Workshop "µ-XRF at Elettra 2.0: Challenges and Opportunities"

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On September 11th and 12th, the workshop "µ-XRF at Elettra 2.0: Challenges and Opportunities" took place at the Elettra premises. During this event, key users of the present XRF beamline and colleagues from other facilities have gathered to discuss the present needs and future perspectives over diverse scientific domains for the new beamline µ-XRF that will be part of the Elettra 2.0 portfolio.
The invited speakers have highlighted the challenges encountered in similar beamlines in other diffraction-limited synchrotron facilities and discussed about scientific opportunities offered by the micrometric spatial resolution of X-ray fluorescence coupled with other x-ray techniques. Their ideas and vision will help to set the final project of µ-XRF beamline and its experimental station.
The workshop has been a great success with 127 registrations, of which 91 remote participants from all over the world.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 September 2023 10:47