Visit of Johanna Leissner, Fraunhofer Scientific Representative and member of the EU Expert Group "Cultural Heritage”

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Johanna Leissner, Fraunhofer Scientific Representative and member of the EU Expert Group "Cultural Heritage", has visited Elettra today.

Dr. Leissner, in Trieste on the occasion of the Workshop ‘Cultura e Creatività: nuove leve per l’innovazione multisettoriale’ (Culture and Creativity: new levers for multi-sectoral innovation) organised by Area Science Park within the framework of the activities of the Culture and Creativity Region Cluster, was welcomed by Marco Marazzi, Deputy Coordinator General and Marco Peloi Head of the Industrial Liaison Office.

After a brief institutional presentation by Giorgio Paolucci, Scientific Director, Leissner visited the experimental halls of Elettra and FERMI where, in addition to the characteristics of the various beamlines, she was able to learn more about the technical and scientific aspects of the research and techniques used in particular with regard to cultural heritage, projects and the various fields of application with Lisa Vaccari, head of the SISSI infrared spectroscopy and microscopy beamline, and Chiaramaria Stani, CERIC-ERIC researcher on the SISSI beamline, Franco Zanini and Emiliano Principi, both senior scientists at Elettra.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 February 2023 12:07