An amazing journey around Elettra by two Mickey Mouse reporters

A recent visit by two young Mickey Mouse reporters to the research centre Elettra, with a large team of Mickey journalists and cartoon artists, has been featured in the pages of Topolino n.3070 (the Italian version of the Mickey Mouse comic book), published today.
In the very same issue, Mickey and Atomo Bleep-Bleep embark on an adventurous journey into molecules, with a story set in a synchrotron light research centre by two keen local cartoonists: Casty and Lorenzo Pastrovicchio.
The Topolino editorial staff will also be back in Trieste Next from September 26 to 28, when children and youngsters visiting the Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste stand in Piazza Unità d’Italia will have the chance to participate in drawing workshops under the guidance of scriptwriters and cartoonists (Casty and Pastrovicchio themselves, as well as Francesca Agrati and Elena Galli), assisted by Elettra researchers.
Great things are coming up…stay tuned!



Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 September 2014 19:06