Seminars Archive

Mon 26 Jun, at 10:00 - 53 room

QoS Workshop

Dr D J Colling
Imperial Collage

So topics that I think that we should discuss include: - The representative WorkFlows (WP6 one or more people) - The metrics that we are going to use to define QoS requirement (Costas?) - The Planner design (Steve) - Hard QoS requirements (Agreement service and reservation) (Tiziana) - [There maybe a need for a dedicated section on QoS on the IE but as only hard QoS is envisaged for the IE it may be covered by the one above] - Soft QoS Statisical approaches (An Imperial person) - The performance repository (including access to it from the planner and maybe directly) (Paul Kyberd). - Implementation plan (Me).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:21