Seminars Archive

Wed 7 Mar, at 15:00 - Seminar Room T2

The High Brightness Photo-injector for FERMI@Elettra

Giuseppe Penco
Sincrotrone Trieste

In the framework of the FERMI@ELETTRA project, aimed to build an x-ray FEL source based on laser-seeded harmonic generation, a crucial role is played by the electron source. This has to produce a very high quality beam, in terms of low emittance and uncorrelated energy spread, and to satisfy these requirements an upgraded version of the SLAC/BNL/UCLA 1.6 cell s-band gun has been chosen. The optimization of the photoinjector, which is composed by the gun, the compensation solenoid and two travelling wave sections, has been carried on in the last two years. Beam dynamics studies are going to be presented in this talk, addressing the problematic issues we have encountered and the proposed solutions to overcome them.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:21