Seminars Archive

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Thu 19 Sep, at 15:00 - Sala Sancrotti Q2
Michael E. Stuckelberger (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, 22607 Hamburg, Germany Contact: )
Mon 16 Sep, at 15:00 - Seminar Room T1
Ye Xu (Louisiana State University - USA)
Tue 16 Jul, at 11:00 - Seminar Room T1
J. Demsar (Institute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany )
Wed 10 Jul, at 14:00 - Seminar Room T1
Shen Wei (Hefei Advanced Light Facility - People's Republic of China)
Thu 27 Jun, at 15:00 - Seminar Room T1
Zhi-Xun Shen (Departments of Physics and Applied Physics Stanford University Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory )
Fri 21 Jun, at 15:00 - Seminar Room T1
Alessandra Del Giudice (Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome)
Wed 19 Jun, at 10:00 - Seminar Room T1
Anna Sandak (InnoRenew CoE, Slovenia)
Mon 10 Jun, at 15:00 - Seminar Room T2
Diamond-II: a major upgrade of Diamond Light Source
Richard Walker (Diamond Light Source - UK)
Mon 10 Jun, at 10:30 - Seminar Room T1
Jérémy Rouxel (Argonne National Laboratory)
Fri 22 Mar, at 10:00 - Seminar Room T1
Alejandro Rodriguez Garcia (Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences (MIGe) of the University of Trieste & International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP))
Tue 19 Mar, at 11:30 - Sala Sancrotti Q2
Enzo Rotunno (CNR-NANO (Modena))
Mon 18 Mar, at 10:00 - Seminar Room T2
Olivier Mathon (ESRF-France)
Thu 18 Jan, at 11:00 - Seminar Room T1
Rossi, Giulio Maria (CFEL at DESY, Hamburg)
Fri 12 Jan, at 15:00 - Seminar Room T1
Loading the Bacterial Replicative Helicase on DNA
David Jeruzalmi (City College of New York)
Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:21