Data analysis and storage
Backing up your data
After the beamtime, the data will be stored on hard disk for a minimum time of 3 months. Remember to copy the data before leaving Elettra. This is most easily done by connecting a hard drive to the data acquisition computer or copying your data on a USB key. Users are responsible for their own data.
At the end of beamtime users will be expected to take a copy of all their data collected during their beamtime.
Data Acquisition
Once the number and description of the various counters is set (Io, Is, Irel or XPS), it is possible to perform motor as well as energy scans acquiring all the counters selected. The data are then stored in a file called scan followed by a progressive number (example: scan25.dat) in the form of columns with the motor position or energy in the first one and the values of the counters in the following columns. Contemporarily another file of comments (example: comm25.txt) is saved with the values of various items related to the scan conditions. For each scan some important parameters of the storage ring (Energy, Current, etc.) are recorded at the beginning and at the end of the scan. In the same way, several beamline parameters regarding the insertion devices, the monochromator and the experimental chambers are collected and saved.
Data Plot/Analysis
In order to load and process the XPS, XAS and XES/RIXS data collected at BACH we have written a procedure, which is a collection of macros developed for use with Igor Pro 6.0 (Wavemetrics). It requires IGOR PRO 6 or later to be installed on your computer (that means you must own a license). It has been tested on platforms: Windows XP. Mac OS-X 10.5.N Download the igor procedure files
(requires Username and Password):
The Igor procedure files to plot BACH data (the yellow panel) are installed on the acquisition PC of the beamline. If Igor or the PC crashes, it is possible to recover the yellow panel by doing the following:
1. Open IgorPro
2. Data-->Load Waves-->Load BACH_BCS (..the yellow panel will pop up)
3. Browse the folder by clicking on Data folder