Info for Users


Before accessing the BACH beamline area and operating any instrumentation and tool of the beamline BACH and its endstations, users must read, accept and sign the Safety rules and precautions, and ask the beamline staff in case of doubt and please signal any misfunction or problem. 

In case of Emergency: Emergency Plan, Instructions for First Aid, list of Fist Aid Kits available in the Laboratory and their location, information about use and location of emergency eye-wash: Emergency management

The samples to be brought to Elettra must comply with those mentioned in the accepted proposal. Exceptionally a complementary list of samples may be declared in the VUO, but it must be approved by the safety group and the beamline staff prior to beam time.  

In case you need to use the Chemical Support Lab, please contact us and the responsible of the Users Support Labs, Cristiano Pedersini before the beamtime. 
Please also read:

For safety reasons at the beamline BACH we CANNOT accept:

- Radioactive compounds
- Biologically hazardous classified samples such as virus and other infectious species, genetically modified bacteria or bio-organisms, live matter, tissues, organs, or other matter of animal or human origin, (samples with biosafety level 2 or higher, GMO excluded).
- Any steel corrosive, pyrophoric, highly toxic or dangerous gas or mixtures is not accepted at this beamline. Only gases available in lecture bottles/minican can be used (upon previous request and approval).
- Nanoparticles (1-100 nm) if (a) Nanoparticles are not embedded into a matrix or not firmly bonded to a substrate or not properly filled in sealed confinement or (b) Nanoparticles are in dry powdered form: the manipulation on the beamline and/or related laboratory of loosely powder is STRICTLY forbidden or (c) Handling the sample (e.g. while fixing the sample on the sample holder) can generate powdered nanoparticles, toxic particulate matter suspensions on air or (d) Nanoparticles are in a liquid or gas suspension to be processed into a powder
- Hazardous materials producing toxic or highly contaminant particulate matter suspensions on air
- Highly contaminant low-vapor pressure molecules or compounds degrading the ultra-high vacuum conditioning and cleanness of instrumentation. 
- Illegal substances and/or samples: (f.i. drugs, unregulated agricultural or food samples, etc.) unless it is explicitly proved that it is allowed by Italian regulations.
This list is not comprehensive; it only indicates the experimental conditions and sample characteristics that could not be accepted due to technical and/or safety reasons. The acceptance of any materials (including equipment) is subjected to the availability of all required safety conditions and protective equipment.

On Proposal Submission

We invite users and collaborators to discuss their proposals with the beamline local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline. This is crucial for a careful assessment of the experiment feasibility and may result in an improvement of the proposal.  Please read carefully our guidelines for proposal submission. We invite users interested in installing  a bulky piece of equipment (such as an entire experimental station) which takes a long time to assemble and dismount to discuss their project with the beamline local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline. Elettra accepts a limited number of long term projects. These are allocations of beam time over a two-year period. The proposer has to explicitly declare that the instrumentation will be at Elettra for the whole time of the long term project and available to other users.
IMPORTANTThe feasibility of the proposals requiring LHe cannot be guaranteed (the feasibility will depend on the availability of funds for LHe). 

Publication guidelines

Users who submit a proposal for the CNR-BACH beamline accept the following rules.
1) Users will give proper credit to beamline and staff members who gave active support to the experiment and participated to the measurements in any publication and presentation reporting data taken at the beamline. Evental authorship must be discussed and agreed upon at an early stage with all those involved. 
2) Any paper or draft reporting data taken at the CNR-BACH beamline should be sent to the BACH Local Contact BEFORE the paper has been submitted.
3) The authors must mention the instrument and the "CNR" "BACH beamline" in the paper or acknowledgement.
4) The papers which are based on results obtained from an experiment funded and supported (e.g. by the European projects, ICTP or NFFA) must mention this in the acknowledgement.
5) All publications that are produced based on results obtained at BACH beamline should be registered by the aid of the VUO. 

Acknowledgement of user support programs

  • Financial support by the user project “Programma di supporto agli utenti italiani di Elettra” must be acknowledged as follows: “We acknowledge Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste for providing access to its synchrotron radiation facilities and for financial support". The main author should make sure that any beamline staff who substantially contributed to the work receives credit, offering co-authorship when appropriate. Otherwise, their contribution should be explicitly stated in the acknowledgment section by adding the following sentence: "We acknowledge Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste for providing access to its synchrotron radiation facilities and we thank "NAME SURNAME" for assistance in using beamline "NAME OF BEAMLINE";
  • Acknowledgment of financial support by CALIPSOplus is mandatory, using the following sentence: "The research leading to this result has been supported by the project CALIPSOplus under Grant Agreement 730872 from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020";
  • Acknowledgment of financial support by CALIPSO, using the following sentence: "The research leading to this result has been supported by the project CALIPSO under Grant Agreement 312284 from the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)".
  • Acknowledgment of financial support by NFFA EUROPE is mandatory, using the following sentence: “This project has received funding from the EU-H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654360 having benefitted from the access provided by IOM-CNR in Trieste (Italy) within the framework of the NFFA-Europe Transnational Access Activity.” . Please read carefully all the mandatory rules  BEFORE submitting a paper based on results obtained by financial support of NFFA:

Access Request

It is the responsibility of the users to provide sufficient human resources to operate the beamline 24 hours a day and perform experiments throughout the entire beam time. 
Users and collaborators coming to BACH beamline for experiments are requested to fill the dedicated Access Request Form. Timing for the submission of the Access Request varies according to Users Categories: General Users, EU Funded Users, Research Team Members and Collaborators must submit their Access Form at least two weeks before the experiment. Italian Users must submit their Access Request form at least one month before the experiment. Note that in order to be able to enter the Elettra Laboratory, your access request must be approved. Instructions for different user categories can be found on the User Office webpages following our quick links.

Please visit the USER AREA of the User Office for more details.


BACH Proposals vs countries


Call for proposals

Users can access the BACH beamline through:
A) VUO (Elettra: call of proposals every 6 months, in September and March, please visit the USER AREA of the User Office for more details)
B)NFFA Europe (see deadlines and information at




Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 20 Ottobre 2021 14:48