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The Bending magnet for Emission, Absorption and Reflectivity beamline (BEAR) is operational since the beginning of 2003 at the Elettra Synchrotron Light Laboratory. The beamline aims to provide a number of spectroscopic tools to investigate the basic properties of the electronic states in solids or molecules through the measurement of the optical absorption, the reflectivity and the photoemission yield in a UHV environment. The apparatus is based on a bending magnet as a source, a beamline optics delivering photons from near visible up to about 1600 eV with selectable degree of ellipticity and an end station featuring, in an UHV environment, a large variety of scattering geometries. The UHV end station has a movable hemispherical electron analyzer and a set of photodiodes to collect angle resolved photoemission spectra, optical reflectivity and fluorescence yield, respectively. The photoemission/scattering geometries can be chosen with a wide flexibility thanks to the movability of the detectors within the UHV chamber. |
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