The manuals
- Safety section (only italian):
Technical section
The beamline
- CINEL conceptual design of BEAR (italian only)
- Il monocromatore per la linea X-MOSS (italian only)
- Monocromatori a larga banda nell'estremo Ultravioletto per l'utilizzo di radiazione di sincrotrone (italian only)
- Analisi Termiche e Meccaniche degli specchi P1, M1 e M2
- Datasheet optics (summary)
- Filter characterization
- Polarimetry
- Dose estimation
- Scan OPPE
- Report Research Activity
- List of publications
- List of proposals
- Papers in submission
- Impact factor of publications
- Parabolic mirror P1
- Monochromator mechanics: angle vs axis position
- Mirror grazing incidence monochromator
- Mirror normal incidence monochromator
- Grating G1200 1200 ll/mm grazing incidence monochromator
- Grating G1800 1800 ll/mm grazing incidence monochromator
- Grating GNIM 1200 ll/mm normal incidence monochromator
- Parabolic mirror P2
- Refocusing Mirror
The beamline
The experimental apparatus
- The spectroscopy chamber
- The preparation chamber
- Load lock controller:
- Procedure for the alignment of the mirror P2 around axis Φz
- Procedure to improve the intensity of 0 order
- Procedure to restart after power failure
- Procedure for opening the spectroscopy chamber
- Strategy for energy calibration using monitor benchmarks
- Procedure for sputtering
- Sample alignment
- Surface preparation
- Sample preparation and insertion
- The control program
- Data analysis
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 04 Novembre 2024 14:18