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Optical elements
The use of suitable sequences of stratified media represents the currently adopted technological solution in the construction of optical devices acting as band-pass mirrors or filters. The advancement of experimental capabilities in a variety of areas including opto-electronics, transport and handling of lasers, synchrotron and FEL beams, instrumentation for aero-space and astronomical observation often stems from performance and reliability of these kinds of systems. The control of the sharpness and the stability of capping layers and buried interfaces is one of the key aspects in this field. Synchrotron radiation characterization based on spectroscopy can be applied in the optimization and monitoring of these kind of systems. Typical applications are specular reflectivity of EUV Multilayer mirrors and thin film mirrors, transmittance of UV pass band filters, calibration of spectrometers and CCD detectors, calibration of Streak cameras. All these require great accuracy. For these applications, the beamline is equipped to have higher order purity or using filters (SiO2, LiF, In, Sn, Al, Si, Ag) or choosing an accurate monochromator deviation angle, the control of the light polarization (Linear, Right circular and Left circular) by direct measurement of the Stokes parameters. Typical S/N ratio in the Mo-Si range is 1%. |
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 08 Maggio 2012 15:32