Deep X-ray lithography on “sol–gel” processed noble metal mesoarchitectured films

A noble metal xerogel mesostructured with block-copolymers has been successfully employed as a lithographic resist.

  Maxime Gayrard   et al, Nanoscale, Vol. 14 - 5, pp. 1706-1712 (2022) DOI: 10.1039/d1nr07455e
foto processo

Noble metal coordination xerogel films (mesostructured with block-copolymers) exhibit solubility switching with increasing X-ray irradiation. Different from other sol–gel systems, these are attributed to film deconstruction under irradiation. These materials can be used as recyclable negative tone resists for deep X-ray lithography that can be further converted into metallic nanoarchi-tectured films.

Fig. (a) Illustration of the lithographic process toward metallic patterns; SEM micrographs of (b) and (c) Ru and (d) and (e) Rh patterns.The corresponding EDX mapping and higher resolution view are reported in the inset (scale bar 50 nm).(f) and (g) Evolution of the extinction coefficient k for Ru and Rh-samples before and after annealing.

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Deep X-ray lithography on “sol–gel” processed noble metal mesoarchitectured films Maxime Gayrard et al,Nanoscale, Vol. 14 - 5, pp. 1706-1712 (2022).
DOI: 10.1039/d1nr07455e.
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