MSB Publications


  1. Balancing Activity and Stability through Compositional Engineering of Ternary PtNi-Au Alloy ORR Catalysts
    Xie X., Briega-Martos V., Alemany P., Mohandas Sandhya A.L., Skala T., Rodriguez M.G., Novakova J., Dopita M., Vorochta M., Bruix A., Cherevko S., Neyman K.M., Matolinova I., Khalakhan I.
    ACS Catalysis, Vol. 15 - 1, pp. 234-245 (2025)
    doi: 10.1021/acscatal.4c05269 (Journal Article)


  1. Adsorption of phenylboronic acid derivatives on rutile TiO2(110)
    Wolfram A., Muth M., Williams F.J., Mehl S., Tsud N., Steinrück H.-P., Lytken O.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 128 - 30, pp. 12450-12470 (2024)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c03264 (Journal Article)
  2. Atomistic picture of electronic metal-support interaction and the role of water
    Fusek L., Farnesi Cammellone M., Ronovsky M., Kastenmeier M., Skala T., Samal P.K., Tsud N., Mehl S.L., Skvara J., Dolak T., Uvarov V., Setvin M., Johanek V., Fabris S., Brummel O., Libuda J., Myslivecek J., Piccinin S., Lykhach Y.
    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 12 - 6, pp. 3258-3264 (2024)
    doi: 10.1039/D3TA06595B (Journal Article)
  3. Bimetallic Pd–Rh Nanoparticles Supported on Co3O4(111): Atomic Ordering and Stability
    Simanenko A., Skvara J., Samal P.K., Fusek L., Kastenmeier M., Ronovsky M., Skala T., Tsud N., Mehl S., Johanek V., Myslivecek J., Brummel O., Lykhach Y., Libuda J.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 129 - 1, pp. 983-992 (2024)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c07406 (Journal Article)
  4. Electronic and structural properties of thin iron oxide films on CeO2
    Piliai L., Castro-Latorre P., Pchalek F., Oveysipoor S., Kosto Y., Khalakhan I., Skala T., Neyman K.M., Alemany P., Vorochta M., Bruix A., Matvija P., Matolinova I.
    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 16 - 35, pp. 46858-46871 (2024)
    doi: 10.1021/acsami.4c05542 (Journal Article)
  5. Evidence for efficient anchoring in nitroxyl radical thin films: an experimental XPS/NEXAFS and theoretical DFT/TD-DFT study
    Totani R., Ljubić I., Mehl S.L., Kalinovych V., Jugovac M., Bonano G., Ciavardini A., Grazioli C., Galdenzi F., D’Addato S., de Simone M., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Moras P., Tsud N., Coreno M.
    Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 12 - 19, pp. 6985-6998 (2024)
    doi: 10.1039/d4tc00427b (Journal Article)
  6. Growth of bilayer stanene on a magnetic topological insulator aided by a buffer layer
    Barman S., Bhakuni P., Sarkar S., Bhattacharya J., Balal M., Manna M., Giri S., Pariari A.K., Skala T., Hücker M., Batabyal R., Chakrabarti A., Barman S.R.
    Physical Review B, Vol. 110 - 16, p. 165407 (2024)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.165407 (Journal Article)
  7. Insights about the effect of metal-organic framework hybridization with graphene-like materials
    Gargiulo V., Di Capua R., Vorochta M., Aquilanti G., Skala T., Clemente C., Alfe M.
    JPhys Materials, Vol. 7 - 4, 045003 (2024)
    doi: 10.1088/2515-7639/ad6cf6 (Journal Article)
  8. Mechanistic study of ethanol decomposition on Co3O4(111) and Pd/Co3O4(111) model catalysts
    Reindl S., Skvara J., Hauner J., Simanenko A., Kastenmeier M., Ronovsky M., Skala T., Tsud N., Kettner M., Mehl S.L., Vorochta M., Smid B., Retzer T., Myslivecek J., Brummel O., Johanek V., Lykhach Y., Libuda J.
    ChemCatChem (2024)
    doi: 10.1002/cctc.202401587 (Journal Article)
  9. Model metal-oxide electrocatalysts for energy conversion
    Fusek L.
  10. Origin of the low overpotential for isopropanol oxidation on Pt-Ru electrocatalysts
    Simanenko A., Samal P.K., Hubsch R., Skvara J., Yang J., Kastenmeier M., Winkler F., Skala T., Tsud N., Mehl S.L., Myslivecek J., Brummel O., Lykhach Y., Libuda J.
    ACS Energy Letters, Vol. 9 - 10, pp. 4875-4882 (2024)
    doi: 10.1021/acsenergylett.4c01987 (Journal Article)
  11. Phenylphosphonic acid on rutile TiO2(110): using theoretically predicted O 1s spectra to identify the adsorption binding modes
    Wolfram A., Muth M., Köbl J., Mölkner A., Mehl S., Tsud N., Steinrück H.-P., Meyer B., Lytken O.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 128 - 30, pp. 12735-12753 (2024)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c03690 (Journal Article)
  12. Robust dipolar layers between organic semiconductors and silver for energy-level alignment
    Krajnak T., Stara V., Prochazka P., Planer J., Skala T., Blatnik M., Cechal J.
    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 16 - 14, pp. 18099-18111 (2024)
    doi: 10.1021/acsami.3c18697 (Journal Article)
  13. Strain-engineered Ir shell enhances activity and stability of Ir-Ru catalysts for water electrolysis: an operando wide-angle X-ray scattering study
    Hrbek T., Kus P., Drnec J., Mirolo M., Nedumkulam H., Martens I., Novakova J., Skala T., Matolinova I.
    Advanced Energy Materials (2024)
    doi: 10.1002/aenm.202403738 (Journal Article)
  14. Thermal investigation of Pd interface with molybdenum disulfide
    Tsikritzis D., Tsud N., Skala T., Sygellou L.
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. 190, p. 112018 (2024)
    doi: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2024.112018 (Journal Article)


  1. Adsorption and dissociation of R-methyl p-tolyl sulfoxide on Au(111)
    Satta M., Zema N., Turchini S., Franchi S., Contini G., Ciavardini A., Grazioli C., Coreno M., de Simone M., Tomellini M., Piccirillo S.
    ACS Omega, Vol. 8 - 18, pp. 16471-16478 (2023)
    doi: 10.1021/acsomega.3c01647 (Journal Article)
  2. Chromium-doped nickel cobaltite nanoneedles as a cathodic material for Li-O2 cells: an X-ray photoemission and photoabsorption spectroscopy investigation
    Giacco D., Skala T., Brutti S., Marrani A.G.
    ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 6 - 12, pp. 10178-10190 (2023)
    doi: 10.1021/acsanm.3c01087 (Journal Article)
  3. Compression Stress-Induced Internal Magnetic Field in Bulky TiO2 Photoanodes for Enhancing Charge-Carrier Dynamics
    Wu B., Lyu Y., Chen W., Zheng J., Zhou H., De Marco R., Tsud N., Prince K.C., Kalinovych V., Johannessen B., Jiang S.P., Wang S.
    JACS Au, Vol. 3, pp. 592-602 (2023)
    doi: 10.1021/jacsau.2c00690 (Journal Article)
  4. Evaluation of polycrystalline cerium oxide electrodes for electrochemiluminescent detection of sarcosine
    Bahrami H., Kosto Y., Santo C.I., Yakovlev Y., Khalakhan I., Mousavi M., Matolin V., Matolinova I., Paolucci F., Valenti G., Tsud N., Zanut A.
    Microchemical Journal, Vol. 187, p. 108362 (2023)
    doi: 10.1016/j.microc.2022.108362 (Journal Article)
  5. Fluorination-Induced Asymmetry in Vacancy-Ordered Brownmillerite: Route to Multiferroic Behavior
    Aich P., Das S., Halder S., Meneghini C., Fu D., Siruguri V., Kaushik S.D., Itoh M., Saha-Dasgupta T., Ray S.
    Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 35 - 3, pp. 991-998 (2023)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c02776 (Journal Article)
  6. Histidine- and glycine-functionalized cerium oxide nanoparticles: physicochemical properties and antiviral activity
    Dupkalova D., Kosto Y., Kalinovych V., Deineko A., Franchi S., Novakova J., Matolinova I., Skala T., Prince K.C., Fucikova A., Shcherbakov A.B., Zholobak N.M., Tsud N.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 636, p. 157793 (2023)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.157793 (Journal Article)
  7. Investigation of New Catalytic Model Systems by In Situ Spectroscopy
    Hohner C.
  8. Pd/Co3O4(111) Interface Formation
    Kastenmeier M., Fusek L., Mohamed F., Schuschke C., Ronovsky M., Skala T., Farnesi Camellone M., Tsud N., Johanek V., Fabris S., Libuda J., Piccinin S., Lykhach Y., Myslivecek J., Brummel O.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 127 - 12, pp. 6034-6044 (2023)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c00261 (Journal Article)
  9. Photoelectrochemical N2-to-NH3 fixation with high efficiency and rates via optimized Si-based system at positive potential versus Li0/+
    Zhang X., Lyu Y., Zhou H., Zheng J., Huang A., Ding J., Xie C., De Marco R., Tsud N., Kalinovych V., Jiang S.P., Dai L., Wang S.
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 35 - 21, 2211894 (2023)
    doi: 10.1002/adma.202211894 (Journal Article)
  10. Polymeric carbon nitrides for photoelectrochemical applications: ring opening-induced degradation
    Maxim F.I., Tanasa E., Mitrea B., Diac C., Skála T., Tanase L.C., Ianăși C., Ciocanea A., Antohe S., Vasile E., Fagadar-Cosma E., Stamatin S.N.
    Nanomaterials, Vol. 13 - 7, 1248 (2023)
    doi: 10.3390/nano13071248 (Journal Article)
  11. Probing the redox capacity of Pt–CeO2 model catalyst for low-temperature CO oxidation
    Simanenko A., Kastenmeier M., Piliai L., Kosto Y., Skála T., Tsud N., Mehl S., Vorokhta M., Matolínová I., Lykhach Y., Libuda J.
    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 11 - 31, pp. 16659-16670 (2023)
    doi: 10.1039/D3TA02507A (Journal Article)
  12. Role of the redox state of cerium oxide on glycine adsorption: an experimental and theoretical study
    Kosto Y., Barcaro G., Kalinovych V., Franchi S., Matvija P., Matolinova I., Prince K.C., Matolin V., Skala T., Tsud N., Carravetta V.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 25, pp. 6693-6706 (2023)
    doi: 10.1039/d2cp06068j (Journal Article)
  13. Towards fabrication of 2D out-of-plane functional supramolecular nanoarchitectures
    Moradmand S.
    doi: 10.33612/diss.540132952 (Thesis)


  1. Adatom and nanoparticle dynamics on single-atom catalyst substrates
    Farnesi Camellone M, Dvorak F, Vorokhta M, Tovt A, Khalakhan I, Johanek V, Skala T, Matolinova I, Fabris S, Myslivecek J
    ACS Catalysis, Vol. 12 - 9, pp. 4859-4871 (2022)
    doi: 10.1021/acscatal.2c00291 (Journal Article)
  2. An amphiphilic polyoxometalate-CNT nanohybrid as a highly efficient enzyme-free electrocatalyst for H2O2 sensing
    Gul E., Rahman G., Wu Y., Bokhari T.H., Rahman A.u., Zafar A., Rana Z., Shah A., Hussain S., Maaz K., Karim S., Javaid S., Sun H., Ahmad M., Xiang G., Nisar A.
    New Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 46 - 34, pp. 16280-16288 (2022)
    doi: 10.1039/d2nj03112d (Journal Article)
  3. An unusual Cu/Te hybridization in the Cu0.3ZrTe2 intercalation compound
    Shkvarin A., Merentsov A., Titov A., Tsud N., Shkvarina E., Agzamova P., Postnikov M., Titov A.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 924, p. 166580 (2022)
    doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166580 (Journal Article)
  4. Benzohydroxamic acid on rutile TiO2(110)-(1x1) - A comparison of ultrahigh-vacuum evaporation with deposition from solution
    Köbl J., Fernández C.C., Augustin L.-M., Kataev E.Y., Franchi S., Tsud N., Pistonesi C., Pronsato M.E., Jux N., Lytken O., Williams F.J., Steinrück H.-P.
    Surface Science, Vol. 716, p. 121955 (2022)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2021.121955 (Journal Article)
  5. Biocompatibility and antibacterial properties of TiCu(Ag) thin films produced by physical vapor deposition magnetron sputtering
    Rashid S, Vita GM, Persichetti L, Iucci G, Battocchio C, Daniel R, Visaggio D, Marsotto M, Visca P, Bemporad E, Ascenzi P, Capellini G, Sebastiani M, di Masi A
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 573, p. 151604 (2022)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.151604 (Journal Article)
  6. CORRIGENDUM: Adsorption of phenylphosphonic acid on rutile TiO2(110)
    Köbl J., Wechsler D., Kataev E.Y., Williams F.J., Tsud N., Franchi S., Steinrück H.-P., Lytken O.
    Surface Science, Vol. 717, p. 122004 (2022)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2021.122004 (Journal Article)
  7. Clarifying the adsorption of triphenylamine on Au(111): Filling the HOMO–LUMO gap
    Zhang T., Svensson P.H.W., Brumboiu I.E., Lanzilotto V., Grazioli C., Guarnaccio A., Johansson F.O.L., Beranova K., Coreno M., de Simone M., Floreano L., Cossaro A., Brena B., Puglia C.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 126 - 3, pp. 1635-1643 (2022)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c08877 (Journal Article)
  8. Cu(I) and Cu(II) complexes based on lonidamine-conjugated ligands designed to promote synergistic antitumor effects
    Del Bello F., Pellei M., Bagnarelli L., Santini C., Giorgioni G., Piergentili A., Quaglia W., Battocchio C., Iucci G., Schiesaro I., Meneghini C., Venditti I., Ramanan N., De Franco M., Sgarbossa P., Marzano C., Gandin V.
    Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 61 - 12, pp. 4919-4937 (2022)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c03658 (Journal Article)
  9. Evidence of hybridization states at the donor/acceptor interface: case of m-MTDATA/PPT
    Zhang T., Wang T., Grazioli C., Guarnaccio A., Brumboiu I.E., Johansson F.O.L., Beranova K., Coreno M., de Simone M., Brena B., Liu L., Wang Y., Puglia C.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 34 - 21, p. 214008 (2022)
    doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/ac5aff (Journal Article)
  10. Exploring the antitumor potential of copper complexes based on ester derivatives of bis(pyrazol-1-yl)acetate ligands
    Pellei M., Santini C., Bagnarelli L., Battocchio C., Iucci G., Venditti I., Meneghini C., Amatori S., Sgarbossa P., Marzano C., De Franco M., Gandin V.
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 23 - 16, p. 9397 (2022)
    doi: 10.3390/ijms23169397 (Journal Article)
  11. Functionalization of cerium oxide nanoparticles by simple biomolecules
    Pittnerova D.
  12. In situ spectroscopy and microscopy insights into the CO oxidation mechanism on Au/CeO2(111)
    Piliai L., Matvija P., Dinhova T.N., Khalakhan I., Skala T., Dolezal Z., Bezkrovnyi O., Kepinski L., Vorokhta M., Matolinova I.
    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 14 - 50, pp. 56280-56289 (2022)
    doi: 10.1021/acsami.2c15792 (Journal Article)
  13. Metal-support interaction and charge distribution in ceria-supported Au particles exposed to CO
    Bezkrovnyi O., Bruix A., Blaumeiser D., Piliai L., Schötz S., Bauer T., Khalakhan I., Skala T., Matvija P., Kraszkiewicz P., Pawlyta M., Vorokhta M., Matolinova I., Libuda J., Neyman K.M., Kepinski L.
    Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 34 - 17, pp. 7916-7936 (2022)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c01659 (Journal Article)
  14. Optimal Pt–Au Alloying for Efficient and Stable Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysts
    Xie X, Briega-Martos V, Farris R, Dopita M, Vorokhta M, Skala T, Matolinova I, Neyman KM, Cherevko S, Khalakhan I
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Vol. 15 - 1, pp. 1192-1200 (2022)
    doi: 10.1021/acsami.2c18655 (Journal Article)
  15. Particle size and shape effects in electrochemical environments: Pd particles supported on ordered Co3O4(111) and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
    Kastenmeier M., Fusek L., Deng X., Skala T., Mehl S.L., Tsud N., Grau S., Stumm C., Uvarov V., Johanek V., Libuda J., Lykhach Y., Myslivecek J., Brummel O.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 126 - 30, pp. 12870-12881 (2022)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c03109 (Journal Article)
  16. Redox-mediated C−C bond scission in alcohols adsorbed on CeO2-x thin films
    Lykhach Y., Johanek V., Neitzel A., Skala T., Tsud N., Beranova K., Myslivecek J., Brummel O., Libuda J.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 34 - 19, p. 194002 (2022)
    doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/ac5138 (Journal Article)
  17. Role of phase stabilization and surface orientation in 4,4’-biphenyl-dicarboxylic acid self-assembly and transformation on silver substrates
    Makoveev A., Prochazka P., Blatnik M., Kormos L., Skala T., Cechal J.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 126 - 23, pp. 9989-9997 (2022)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c02538 (Journal Article)
  18. Size dependent electronic structure of LiFePO4 probed by X-ray absorption and Mössbauer spectroscopy
    Ali A., Tsud N., Meena S.S., Sevi M.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 24 - 16, pp. 9695-9706 (2022)
    doi: 10.1039/D2CP00411A (Journal Article)
  19. Spotting local environments in self-assembled monolayer-protected gold nanoparticles
    Gabellini C., Şologan M., Pellizzoni E., Marson D., Daka M., Franchi P., Bignardi L., Franchi S., Posel Z., Baraldi A., Pengo P., Lucarini M., Pasquato L., Posocco P.
    ACS Nano, Vol. 16, pp. 20902-20914 (2022)
    doi: 10.1021/acsnano.2c08467 (Journal Article)
  20. Synthesis, crystal structure and electronic structure of AgxZrTe2
    Shkvarina E.G., Merentsov A.I., Shkvarin A.S., Postnikov M.S., Titov A.A., Tsud N., Yarmoshenko Yu.M., Patrakov E.I., Titov A.N.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 906, p. 164269 (2022)
    doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.164269 (Journal Article)
  21. There is life after coking for Ir nanocatalyst superlattices
    Martínez-Galera A.J., Guo H., Jiménez-Sánchez M.D., Franchi S., Prince K.C., Gómez-Rodríguez J.M.
    Nano Research, Vol. 15 - 8, pp. 6969-6976 (2022)
    doi: 10.1007/s12274-022-4300-z (Journal Article)
  22. Thermal stability and protective properties of phenylphosphonic acid on Cu(111)
    Kalinovych V., Saeedur Rahman M., Piliai L., Kosto Y., Mehl S.L., Skála T., Matolínová I., Matolín V., Prince K.C., Xu Y., Tsud N.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 600, p. 154036 (2022)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.154036 (Journal Article)
  23. Thiolate end-group regulates ligand arrangement, hydration and affinity for small compounds in monolayer-protected gold nanoparticles
    Pellizzoni E, Sologan M, Daka M, Pengo P, Marson D, Posel Z, Franchi S, Bignardi L, Franchi P, Lucarini M, Posocco P, Pasquato L
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 607, pp. 1373-1381 (2022)
    doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2021.09.083 (Journal Article)
  24. Tunable energy-level alignment in multilayers of carboxylic acids on silver
    Stara V., Prochazka P., Planer J., Shahsavar A., Makoveev A.O., Skala T., Blatnik M., Cechal J.
    Physical Review Applied, Vol. 18 - 4, p. 044048 (2022)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.18.044048 (Journal Article)
  25. Unravelling the phase transition of 2H-MoS2 to 1T-MoS2 induced by the chemical interaction of Pd with molybdenum disulfide–graphene hybrids
    Tsikritzis D., Tsud N., Skala T., Sygellou L.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 599 - 153896, 153896 (2022)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.153896 (Journal Article)
  26. m-MTDATA on Au(111): Spectroscopic evidence of molecule-substrate interactions
    Zhang T., Grazioli C., Guarnaccio A., Brumboiu I.E., Lanzilotto V., Johansson F.O.L., Beranova K., Coreno M., de Simone M., Brena B., Puglia C.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 126 - 6, pp. 3202-3210 (2022)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c09574 (Journal Article)


  1. Beyond nitrogen in the oxygen reduction reaction at nitrogen doped carbons: a NEXAFS investigation
    Tanasa E, Maxim FI, Erniyazov T, Iacob M-T, Skala T, Tanase LC, Ianasi C, Moisescu C, Miron C, Ardelean I, Antohe V-I, Fagadar-Cosma E, Stamatin SN
    Nanomaterials, Vol. 11 - 5, p. 1198 (2021)
    doi: 10.3390/nano11051198 (Journal Article)
  2. Bio-functionalized chitosan for bone tissue engineering
    Brun P, Zamuner A, Battocchio C, Cassari L, Todesco M, Graziani V, Iucci G, Marsotto M, Tortora L, Secchi V, Dettin M
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 22 - 11, p. 5916 (2021)
    doi: 10.3390/ijms22115916 (Journal Article)
  3. Biocompatible silver nanoparticles: Study of the chemical and molecular structure, and the ability to interact with cadmium and arsenic in water and biological properties
    Bertela F, Marsotto M, Meneghini C, Burratti L, Maraloiu V-A, Iucci G, Venditti I, Prosposito P, D'Ezio V, Persichini T, Battocchio C
    Nanomaterials, Vol. 11 - 10, p. 2540 (2021)
    doi: 10.3390/nano11102540 (Journal Article)
  4. Effect of the titanium self-intercalation on the electronic structure of TiSe2
    Shkvarin A.S., Merentsov AI, Tsud N., Titov AN
    Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 60 - 1, pp. 185-194 (2021)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02797 (Journal Article)
  5. Electronic structure and intrinsic dielectric polarization of defect-engineered rutile TiO2
    Mandal S, Skála T., Menon KSR
    Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 9 - 2, pp. 595-599 (2021)
    doi: 10.1039/D0TC05108J (Journal Article)
  6. Enhanced oxygen reduction activity with rare earth metal alloy catalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
    Eriksson B, Montserrat-Siso G, Brown R, Skála T., Wreland Lindstrom R, Lindbergh G, Wickman B, Lagergren C
    Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 387, p. 138454 (2021)
    doi: 10.1016/j.electacta.2021.138454 (Journal Article)
  7. In-Situ IR Spectroscopic Studies on the Dynamics and Activation of Small Molecules in Model and Real Catalysts
    Blaumeiser D.
  8. On the catalytic and degradative role of oxygen-containing groups on carbon electrode in non-aqueous ORR
    Inozemtseva AI, Kataev E.Y., Frolov AS, Amati M., Gregoratti L, Beranova K, Perez Dieste V, Escudero CR, Fedorov A, Tarasov AV, Usachov DY, Vyalikh D, Shao-Horn Y, Itkis D.M., Yashina LV
    Carbon, Vol. 176, pp. 632-641 (2021)
    doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.12.008 (Journal Article)
  9. Phase transformations in a complete monolayer of 4,4’-biphenyl-dicarboxylic acid on Ag(001)
    Prochazka P, Kormos L, Shahsavar A, Stara V, Makoveev AO, Skala T, Blatnik M, Cechal J
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 547, p. 149115 (2021)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.149115 (Journal Article)
  10. Porphyrin adsorption and reactivity on oxide surfaces
    Wechsler D
  11. Reactive interaction of isopropanol with Co3O4(111) and Pt/Co3O4(111) model catalysts
    Hohner C., Ronovský M., Brummel O., Skála T., Šmíd B., Tsud N., Vorokhta M., Prince K.C., Mysliveček J., Johánek V., Lykhach Y., Libuda J.
    Journal of Catalysis, Vol. 398, pp. 171-184 (2021)
    doi: 10.1016/j.jcat.2021.04.005 (Journal Article)
  12. Selective electrooxidation of 2-propanol on Pt nanoparticles supported on Co3O4: an in-situ study on atomically defined model systems
    Yang T, Kastenmeier M, Ronovsky M, Fusek L, Skala T, Waidhas F, Bertram M, Tsud N., Matvija P, Prince KC, Matolin V, Liu Z, Johanek V, Myslivecek J, Lykhach Y, Brummel O, Libuda J
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 54 - 16, p. 164002 (2021)
    doi: 10.1088/1361-6463/abd9ea (Journal Article)
  13. Study of cerium oxide thin films for biosensing applications
    Kosto Y
  14. Surface reactions and electronic structure of carboxylic acid porphyrins adsorbed on TiO2(110)
    Wechsler D, Vensaus P, Tsud N., Steinreck H-P, Lytken O, Williams FJ
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 125 - 12, pp. 6708-6715 (2021)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c01133 (Journal Article)
  15. Surface tailoring of oxide-based nanosystems for the design of advanced composite materials and smart devices
    Taroni T
    doi: 10.13130/taroni-tommaso-tancredi-alessandro_phd2021-03-24 (Thesis)


  1. Adsorption of phenylphosphonic acid on rutile TiO2(110)
    Koebl J, Wechsler D, Kataev E.Y., Williams FJ, Tsud N., Franchi S, Steinruck H-P, Lytken O
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  8. Hydrophilic silver nanoparticles for Hg(II) detection in water: direct evidence for mercury-silver interaction
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  9. Hydroxyapatite surfaces functionalized with a self-assembling peptide: XPS, RAIRS and NEXAFS study
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  19. Probing the roughness of porphyrin thin films with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
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  23. Surface composition of a highly active Pt3Y alloy catalyst for application in low temperature fuel cells
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  26. X-ray spectroscopic studies of the atomic and electronic structure of the PANI/Cu nanocomposite
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  2. Al2O3‐atomic layer deposited films on CH3NH3PbI3: intrinsic defects and passivation mechanisms
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  3. Anion-mediated electronic effects in reducible oxides: Tuning the valence band of ceria via fluorine doping
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  4. Bifunctionalized silver nanoparticles as Hg2+ plasmonic sensor in water: synthesis, characterizations, and ecosafety
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  5. Biofunctionalization of TiO2 surfaces with self-assembling layers of oligopeptides covalently grafted to chitosan
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  6. Bottom-up fabrication of a metal-supported oxo–metal porphyrin
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  8. Charge transfer and spillover phenomena in ceria-supported iridium catalysts: A model study
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  11. Electrochemical activity of the polycrystalline cerium oxide films for hydrogen peroxide detection
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  15. Features of the electronic structure and chemical bonds of polyaniline-based composites obtained by acid-free synthesis
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  18. Fluorinated hexagonal 4H SrMnO3: a locally disordered manganite
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  23. Multiple reaction paths for co oxidation on a 2D SnOx nano-oxide on the Pt(110) surface: intrinsic reactivity and spillover
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  24. Oxidized palladium supported on ceria nanorods for catalytic aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde in protic solvents
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  27. Quantitative analysis of the oxidation state of cobalt oxides by resonant photoemission spectroscopy
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  28. Redox behavior of Pt/Co3O4(111) model electrocatalyst studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy coupled with an electrochemical cell
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  29. Reversible structural changes of in situ prepared As40Se60 nanolayers studied by XPS spectroscopy
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  30. Selective hydrogen evolution on manganese oxide coated electrodes: new cathodes for sodium chlorate production
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  33. Tuning the electron localization of gold enables the control of nitrogen-to-ammonia fixation
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  34. Ultimate dispersion of metallic and ionic platinum on ceria
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  2. An experimental and theoretical study of adenine adsorption on Au(111)
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  3. Ba3MIr2O9 hexagonal perovskites in the light of spin-orbit coupling and local structural distortions
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  4. Biocompatible materials based on self-assembling peptides on Ti25Nb10Zr alloy: Molecular structure and organization investigated by synchrotron radiation induced techniques
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  5. Bulk hydroxylation and effective water splitting by highly reduced cerium oxide: The role of O vacancy coordination
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  8. Electrifying model catalysts for understanding electrocatalytic reactions in liquid electrolytes
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  9. Electrocatalysis with atomically defined model systems: Metal–support interactions between Pt nanoparticles and Co3O4(111) in ultrahigh vacuum and in liquid electrolytes
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  10. Electron hopping between Fe 3d states in ethynylferrocene-doped poly(methyl methacrylate)-poly(decyl methacrylate) copolymer membranes
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  1. A DFT structural investigation of new bimetallic PtSnx surface alloys formed on the Pt(110) furface and their interaction with carbon monoxide
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  3. Atomically dispersed Pd, Ni, and Pt species in ceria-based catalysts: Principal differences in stability and reactivity
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  9. Experimental and theoretical study on the electronic interaction between Rh adatoms and CeOx substrate in dependence on a degree of cerium oxide reduction
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  16. Low Platinum Content Thin Film Catalysts for Hydrogen Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
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  18. Magnetron sputtered Ir thin film on TiC-based support sublayer as low-loading anode catalyst for proton exchange membrane water electrolysis
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  19. Model studies of ceria-based catalysts for fuel cell applications
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  22. Phosphorus poisoning during wet oxidation of methane over Pd@CeO2/graphite model catalysts
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  25. Reduction of Pt2+ species in model Pt-CeO2 fuel cell catalysts upon reaction with methanol
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  26. Steering the formation of supported Pt-Sn nanoalloys by reactive metal-oxide interaction
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  29. Studying possibilities of graphene functionalization using AFM and STM techniques
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  1. Adenine adlayers on Cu(111): XPS and NEXAFS study
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  4. Decomposition of acetic acid on model Pt/CeO2 aatalysts: The effect of surface crowding
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  5. Electronic and chemical properties of donor, acceptor centers in graphene
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  6. Electronic structure origin of conductivity and oxygen reduction activity changes in low-level Cr-substituted (La,Sr)MnO3
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  7. Experimental control of Ce3+ concentration in ceria based model catalysts
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  9. Functionalization of nanostructured cerium oxide films with histidine
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  12. Impact of Rh-CeOx interaction on CO oxidation mechanisms
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    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 332, pp. 747-755 (2015)
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  13. In situ investigations of laser and thermally modified As2S3 nanolayers: Synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations
    Kondrat O., Holomb R., Popovich N., Mitsa V., Veres M., Csik A., Feher A., Tsud N., Vondracek M., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
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  14. Local surface structure and structural properties of As–Se nanolayers studied by synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy and DFT calculations
    Kondrat O., Holomb R., Popovich N., Mitsa V., Veres M., Csik A., Tsud N., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 410, pp. 180-185 (2015)
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  15. Photoelectron spectroscopy investigation of the temperature-induced deprotonation and substrate-mediated hydrogen transfer in a hydroxyphenyl-substituted porphyrin
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  16. Photoemission study of methanol adsorption and decomposition on Pd/CeO2(111)/Cu(111) thin film model catalyst
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  17. Photoemission surface characterization of (001) In2O3 thin film through the interactions with oxygen, water and carbon monoxide: Comparison with (111) orientation
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  18. Self-metalation of phthalocyanine molecules with silver surface atoms by adsorption on Ag(110)
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  20. Surface-confined 2D polymerization of a brominated copper-tetraphenylporphyrin on Au(111)
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  21. Temperature-dependent reactions of phthalic acid on Ag(100)
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  1. A complex study of the fast blue luminescence of oxidized silicon nanocrystals: the role of the core
    Ondic L., Kusova K., Ziegler M., Fekete L., Gartnerova V., Chab V., Holy V., Cibulka O., Herynkova K., Gallart M., Gilliot P., Honerlage B., Pelant I.
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  2. Achieving high-quality single-atom nitrogen doping of graphene/SiC(0001) by ion implantation and subsequent thermal stabilization
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    ACS Nano, Vol. 8 - 7, pp. 7318-7324 (2014)
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  3. Cyclic dipeptide immobilization on Au(111) and Cu(110) surfaces
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    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 16 - 14, pp. 6657-6665 (2014)
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  4. Electronics and adsorption properties of model catalytic systems contains cerium
    Cabala M.
  5. Hydrogen activation on Pt-Sn nanoalloys supported on mixed Sn-Ce oxide films
    Neitzel A., Lykhach Y., Skála T., Tsud N., Johánek V., Vorokhta M., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 16 - 26, pp. 13209-13219 (2014)
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  6. Interaction of simple molecules with reducible oxides: model studies of H2O/CeOx and CO/CuOx
    Dvorak F.
  7. Maximum noble-metal efficiency in catalytic materials: Atomically dispersed surface platinum
    Bruix A., Lykhach Y., Matolínová I., Neitzel A., Skála T., Tsud N., Vorokhta M., Stetsovych V., Sevcikova K., Myslivecek J., Fiala R., Vaclavu M., Prince K.C., Bruyere S., Potin V., Illas F., Matolín V., Libuda J., Neyman K.M.
    Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, Vol. 53 - 39, pp. 10525-10530 (2014)
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  8. Mechanisms of aggregation of cysteine functionalized gold nanoparticles
    Acres R.G., Feyer V., Tsud N., Carlino E., Prince K.C.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 118 - 19, pp. 10481-10487 (2014)
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  9. Model studies on the surface chemistry of ionic-liquid-modified catalysts
    Schernich S.
  10. Model thin films of Ce(III)-based mixed oxides
    Skála T., Matolín V.
    Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 46 - 10-11, pp. 993-996 (2014)
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  11. Ordered phases of reduced ceria as epitaxial films on Cu(111)
    Duchon T., Dvorak F., Aulicka M., Stetsovych V., Vorokhta M., Mazur D., Veltruská K., Skála T., Myslivecek J., Matolínová I., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 118 - 1, pp. 357-365 (2014)
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  12. Role of oxygen in acetic acid decomposition on Pt(111)
    Neitzel A., Lykhach Y., Johánek V., Tsud N., Skála T., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 118 - 26, pp. 14316-14325 (2014)
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  13. Role of the nitrogen source in determining structure and morphology of N-doped nanocrystalline TiO2
    Lo Presti L., Ceotto M., Spadavecchia F., Cappelletti G., Meroni D., Acres R.G., Ardizzone S.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 118 - 9, pp. 4797-4807 (2014)
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  14. Silicene versus two-dimensional ordered silicide: Atomic and electronic structure of Si-sqrt(19)xsqrt(19)R23.4deg/Pt(111)
    Švec M., Hapala P., Ondracek M., Merino P., Blanco-Rey M., Mutombo P., Vondracek M., Polyak Y., Chab V., Martin Gago J.A., Jelinek P.
    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 89 - 20, 201412 (2014)
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  15. Surface sites on Pt-CeO2 mixed oxide catalysts probed by CO adsorption: a synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy study
    Neitzel A., Lykhach Y., Skála T., Tsud N., Vorokhta M., Mazur D., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 16 - 45, pp. 24747-24754 (2014)
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  16. Surface-assisted Dehydrogenative Homocoupling of Porphine Molecules
    Wiengarten A., Seufert K., Auwarter W., Ecija D., Diller K., Allegretti F., Bischoff F., Fischer S., Duncan D., Papageorgiou A.C., Klappenberger F., Acres R.G., Ngo T.H., Barth J.V.
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 136 - 26, pp. 9346-9354 (2014)
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  17. Synchrotron XPS studies of illuminated and annealed flash evaporated a-Ge2S3 films
    Mitsa V., Holomb R., Kondrat O., Popovich N., Tsud N., Matolín V., Prince K.C., Lovas G., Petretskiy S., Toth S.
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 401, pp. 258-262 (2014)
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  18. The effect of the substrate on thermal stability of CeOx and Rh-Ce-O thin films
    Sevcikova K., Nehasil V., Zahoranova T., Vorokhta M., Tsud N., Yoshikawa H., Kobata M., Kobayashi K., Matolín V.
    Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 46 - 10-11, pp. 980-983 (2014)
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  19. The mechanism of hydrocarbon oxygenate reforming: C-C bond scission, carbon formation, and noble-metal-free oxide catalysts
    Lykhach Y., Neitzel A., Sevcikova K., Johánek V., Tsud N., Skála T., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    ChemSusChem, Vol. 7 - 1, pp. 77-81 (2014)
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  20. Thermal evolution of the submonolayer near-surface alloy of ZnPd on Pd(111)
    Lipton Duffin J.A., Macleod J., Vondracek M., Prince K.C., Rosei R., Rosei F.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 16 - 10, pp. 4764-4770 (2014)
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  21. Ullmann-type coupling of brominated tetrathienoanthracene on copper and silver
    Gutzler R., Cardenas L., Lipton Duffin J., El Garah M., Dinca L.E., Szakacs C.E., Fu C., Gallagher M.G., Vondracek M., Rybachuk M., Perepichka D.F., Rosei F.
    Nanoscale, Vol. 6 - 5, pp. 2660-2668 (2014)
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  1. Adsorption and decomposition of formic acid on model ceria and Pt/ceria catalysts
    Lykhach Y., Happel M., Johánek V., Skála T., Kollhoff F., Tsud N., Dvorak F., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 117 - 24, pp. 12483-12494 (2013)
    doi: 10.1021/jp311008v (Journal Article)
  2. Adsorption of cytosine and AZA derivatives of cytidine on Au single crystal surfaces
    Iakhnenko M., Feyer V., Tsud N., Plekan O., Wang F., Ahmed M., Slobodyanyuk O.V., Acres R.G., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 117 - 36, pp. 18423-18433 (2013)
    doi: 10.1021/jp404821t (Journal Article)
  3. Atomic and Electronic Structure of V-Rh(110) Near-Surface Alloy
    Píš I., Stetsovych V., Myslivecek J., Kettner M., Vondracek M., Dvorak F., Mazur D., Matolín V., Nehasil V.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 117 - 24, pp. 12679-12688 (2013)
    doi: 10.1021/jp402985v (Journal Article)
  4. Bonding of histidine to cerium oxide
    Tsud N., Acres R.G., Iakhnenko M., Mazur D., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 117 - 31, pp. 9182-9193 (2013)
    doi: 10.1021/jp404385h (Journal Article)
  5. Copper-ceria interaction: A combined photoemission and DFT study
    Szabova L., Skála T., Matolínová I., Fabris S., Farnesi Camellone M., Matolín V.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 267, pp. 12-16 (2013)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.04.098 (Journal Article)
  6. Defect induced electronic states and magnetism in ball-milled graphite
    Milev A., Dissanayake D., Kannangara G.S.K., Kumarasinghe A.R.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 15 - 38, pp. 16294-16302 (2013)
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  7. Depth profiling of ultra-thin alumina layers grown on Co(0001)
    Nemsak S., Skála T., Yoshitake M., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 25 - 9, 095004 (2013)
    doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/25/9/095004 (Journal Article)
  8. Electronic structure of CoPc adsorbed on Ag(100): Evidence for molecule-substrate interaction mediated by Co 3d orbitals
    Salomon E., Amsalem P., Marom N., Vondracek M., Kronik L., Koch N., Angot T.
    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 87 - 7, 075407 (2013)
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  9. Electronic structure of bimetallic systems - study of gas molecule interaction
    Pis I.
  10. Epitaxial cubic Ce2O3 films via Ce-CeO2 interfacial reaction
    Stetsovych V., Pagliuca F., Dvorak F., Duchon T., Vorokhta M., Aulicka M., Lachnitt J., Schernich S., Matolínová I., Veltruská K., Skála T., Mazur D., Myslivecek J., Libuda J., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol. 4 - 6, pp. 866-871 (2013)
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  11. Functionalization of oxide surfaces through reaction with 1,3-dialkylimidazolium ionic liquids
    Schernich S., Laurin M., Lykhach Y., Steinruck H.P., Tsud N., Skála T., Prince K.C., Taccardi N., Matolín V., Wasserscheid P., Libuda J.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol. 4 - 1, pp. 30-35 (2013)
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  12. How surface bonding and repulsive interactions cause phase transformations: Ordering of a prototype macrocyclic compound on Ag(111)
    Bischoff F., Seufert K., Auwarter W., Joshi S., Vijayaraghavan S., Ecija D., Diller K., Papageorgiou A.C., Fischer S., Allegretti F., Duncan D., Klappenberger F., Blobner F., Han R., Barth J.V.
    ACS Nano, Vol. 7 - 4, pp. 3139-3149 (2013)
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  13. Interactions of imidazolium-based ionic liquids with oxide surfaces controlled by alkyl chain functionalization
    Schernich S., Laurin M., Lykhach Y., Tsud N., Sobota M., Skála T., Prince K.C., Taccardi N., Wagner V., Steinruck H.P., Matolín V., Wasserscheid P., Libuda J.
    ChemPhysChem, Vol. 14 - 16, pp. 3673-3677 (2013)
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  14. Photoemission and RHEED study of the supported Pt and Au epitaxial alloy clusters
    Polasek J., Masek K., Beran J., Blumentrit P., Vorokhta M., Tsud N., Matolín V.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 282, pp. 746-756 (2013)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.06.047 (Journal Article)
  15. Photoemission study of cerium silicate model systems
    Skála T., Matolín V.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 265, pp. 817-822 (2013)
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  16. Self-terminating protocol for an interfacial complexation reaction in vacuo by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
    Papageorgiou A.C., Fischer S., Oh S.C., Saglam O., Reichert J., Wiengarten A., Seufert K., Vijayaraghavan S., Ecija D., Auwarter W., Allegretti F., Acres R.G., Prince K.C., Diller K., Klappenberger F., Barth J.V.
    ACS Nano, Vol. 7 - 5, pp. 4520-4526 (2013)
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  17. Synthesis and electronic structure of a two dimensional pi-conjugated polythiophene
    Cardenas L., Gutzler R., Lipton Duffin J., Fu C., Brusso J.L., Dinca L.E., Vondracek M., Fagot-Revurat Y., Malterre D., Rosei F., Perepichka D.F.
    Chemical Science, Vol. 4 - 8, pp. 3263-3268 (2013)
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  18. The preparation and study of catalytic system Cu(O)-CeO2 using surface analytical methods
    Smid B.
  19. Ultradünne Ceroxidschichten auf Cu(111)-Einkristallflächen: rastertunnelmikroskopische und photoelektronenspektroskopische Untersuchungen zu Wachstum, Struktur und Eigenschaften
    Cherradi E.M.


  1. Adsorption of 5-halouracils on Au(111)
    Plekan O., Feyer V., Tsud N., Vondracek M., Chab V., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Surface Science, Vol. 606 - 3-4, pp. 435-443 (2012)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2011.11.002 (Journal Article)
  2. Adsorption of histidine and a histidine tripeptide on Au(111) and Au(110) from acidic solution
    Feyer V., Plekan O., Ptasinska S., Iakhnenko M., Tsud N., Prince K.C.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 116 - 43, pp. 22960-22966 (2012)
    doi: 10.1021/jp307463z (Journal Article)
  3. Bimetallic nickel-cobalt nanosized layers supported on polar ZnO surfaces: Metal-support interaction and alloy effects studied by synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
    Law Y.T., Skála T., Píš I., Nehasil V., Vondracek M., Zafeiratos S.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 116 - 18, pp. 10048-10056 (2012)
    doi: 10.1021/jp301219u (Journal Article)
  4. Ceria-based model catalysts: a surface science study on Pt-CeO2 interactions and reactions with sulfur dioxide and formic acid
    Happel M.
  5. Facile fabrication of tin-doped hematite photoelectrodes - effect of doping on magnetic properties and performance for light-induced water splitting
    Frydrych J., Machala L., Tucek J., Siskova K., Filip J., Pechousek J., Safarova K., Vondracek M., Seo J.H., Schneeweiss O., Gratzel M., Sivula K., Zboril R.
    Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol. 22 - 43, pp. 23232-23239 (2012)
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  6. Hydrogen spillover monitored by resonant photoemission spectroscopy
    Lykhach Y., Staudt T., Vorokhta M., Skála T., Johánek V., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Journal of Catalysis, Vol. 285 - 1, pp. 6-9 (2012)
    doi: 10.1016/j.jcat.2011.09.002 (Journal Article)
  7. Investigation of the Ti/MgCl2 interface on a Si(111) 7x7 substrate
    Karakalos S., Skala T., Plekan O., Ladas S., Prince K., Matolin V., Chab V., Siokou A.
    Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 136 - 22, 224703 (2012)
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  8. Laser induced changes of As50Se50 nanolayers studied by synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy
    Kondrat O., Popovich N., Holomb R., Mitsa V., Lyamayev V., Tsud N., Chab V., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 520 - 24, pp. 7224-7229 (2012)
    doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2012.07.116 (Journal Article)
  9. On the interaction of Mg with the (111) and (110) surfaces of ceria
    Nolan M., Lykhach Y., Tsud N., Skála T., Staudt T., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 14 - 3, pp. 1293-1301 (2012)
    doi: 10.1039/c1cp22863c (Journal Article)
  10. Photoemission and LEED study of the Sn/Rh(111) surface - early oxidation steps and thermal stability
    Hanys P., Píš I., Masek K., Sutara F., Matolín V., Nehasil V.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 24 - 1, 015002 (2012)
    doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/24/1/015002 (Journal Article)
  11. SO2 decomposition on Pt/CeO2(111) model catalysts: On the reaction mechanism and the influence of H2 and CO
    Happel M., Lykhach Y., Tsud N., Skála T., Johánek V., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 116 - 20, pp. 10959-10967 (2012)
    doi: 10.1021/jp212237x (Journal Article)
  12. Structural and electronic studies of supported Pt and Au epitaxial clusters on tungsten oxide surface
    Masek K., Blumentrit P., Beran J., Skála T., Píš I., Polasek J., Matolín V.
    Vacuum, Vol. 86 - 6, pp. 586-589 (2012)
    doi: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2011.07.021 (Journal Article)
  13. Structural, electronic and adsorption properties of V-Rh(111) subsurface alloy
    Píš I., Skála T., Cabala M., Sutara F., Libra J., Skoda M., Matolín V., Nehasil V.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 543, pp. 189-196 (2012)
    doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.07.122 (Journal Article)
  14. Study of metal-tungsten oxide model system by methods of electron spectroscopy and diffraction
    Polasek J.
  15. Study of the structure and of interaction with gas molecules of Rh-Sn and Rh-SnO2
    Janecek P.
  16. Synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy studies of self-organization in As40Se60 nanolayers stored under ambient conditions and after laser irradiation
    Kondrat O., Popovich N., Holomb R., Mitsa V., Lyamayev V., Tsud N., Chab V., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 358 - 21, pp. 2910-2916 (2012)
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  17. Visibility of TiO2(110)(1x1) bridging oxygen in core level photoelectron spectroscopy
    Allegretti F., Treacy J.P.W., Lindsay R.
    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 85 - 20, 205422 (2012)
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  18. Water chemistry on model ceria and Pt/ceria catalysts
    Lykhach Y., Johánek V., Aleksandrov H.A., Kozlov S.M., Happel M., Skála T., Petkov P.S., Tsud N., Vayssilov G.N., Prince K.C., Neyman K.M., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 116 - 22, pp. 12103-12113 (2012)
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  19. Water interaction with CeO2(111)/Cu(111) model catalyst surface
    Matolín V., Matolínová I., Dvorak F., Johánek V., Myslivecek J., Prince K.C., Skála T., Stetsovych O., Tsud N., Vaclavu M., Šmíd B.
    Catalysis Today, Vol. 181 - 1, pp. 124-132 (2012)
    doi: 10.1016/j.cattod.2011.05.032 (Journal Article)


  1. Adjusting Morphology and Surface Reduction of CeO2(111) Thin Films on Cu(111)
    Dvorak F., Stetsovych O., Steger M., Cherradi E.M., Matolínová I., Tsud N., Skoda M., Skála T., Myslivecek J., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 115 - 15, pp. 7496-7503 (2011)
    doi: 10.1021/jp1121646 (Journal Article)
  2. An investigation of ethylene attachment to Si(111)-7x7 in the restatom-adatom bridging geometry: Electronic and vibrational properties
    Majzik Z., Kaminski W., Weymouth A., Vondracek M., Zobac V., Švec M., Berko A., McLean A.B., Prince K.C., Jelinek P., Chab V.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 115 - 44, pp. 21791-21799 (2011)
    doi: 10.1021/jp206337w (Journal Article)
  3. Bimetallic bonding and mixed oxide formation in the Ga-Pd-CeO2 system
    Skála T., Tsud N., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 110 - 4, 043726 (2011)
    doi: 10.1063/1.3627432 (Journal Article)
  4. CO and methanol adsorption on (2x1)Pt(110) and ion-eroded Pt(111) model catalysts
    Matolínová I., Johánek V., Myslivecek J., Prince K.C., Skála T., Skoda M., Tsud N., Vorokhta M., Matolín V.
    Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 43 - 10, pp. 1325-1331 (2011)
    doi: 10.1002/sia.3717 (Journal Article)
  5. Electronic exchanges between adsorbed Ni atoms and TiO2(110) surface evidenced by resonant photoemission
    Domenichini B., Sutara F., Škála T., Matolín V., Bourgeois S.
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Vol. 184 - 7, pp. 410-413 (2011)
    doi: 10.1016/j.elspec.2011.05.001 (Journal Article)
  6. Electronic structure of magnesia-ceria model catalysts, CO2 adsorption, and CO2 activation: A synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy study
    Staudt T., Lykhach Y., Tsud N., Skála T., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 115 - 17, pp. 8716-8724 (2011)
    doi: 10.1021/jp200382y (Journal Article)
  7. Enhanced reactivity of Pt nanoparticles supported on ceria thin films during ethylene dehydrogenation
    Lykhach Y., Staudt T., Tsud N., Skála T., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 13 - 1, pp. 253-261 (2011)
    doi: 10.1039/C0CP00345J (Journal Article)
  8. Formation of alumina-ceria mixed oxide in model systems
    Skála T., Tsud N., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 257 - 8, pp. 3682-3687 (2011)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2010.11.107 (Journal Article)
  9. Growth of Al2O3 nanowires on the Cu-9at.%Al(111) single crystal surface
    Matolínová I., Nemsak S., Cabala M., Tsud N., Poltierova-Vejpravova J., Veltruská K., Yoshitake M., Matolín V.
    Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 94 - 11, pp. 4084-4088 (2011)
    doi: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04704.x (Journal Article)
  10. Guanine adsorption on the Cu(110) surface
    Feyer V., Plekan O., Sutara F., Chab V., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Surface Science, Vol. 605 - 3-4, pp. 361-365 (2011)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2010.11.002 (Journal Article)
  11. In situ growth of epitaxial cerium tungstate (100) thin films
    Skála T., Tsud N., Nino Orti M.A., Mentes T.O., Locatelli A., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 13 - 15, pp. 7083-7089 (2011)
    doi: 10.1039/C0CP03012K (Journal Article)
  12. Initial growth at the F16CoPc/Ag(111) interface
    Toader M., Knupfer M., Zahn D.R.T., Hietschold M.
    Surface Science, Vol. 605 - 15-16, pp. 1510-1515 (2011)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2011.05.024 (Journal Article)
  13. Initial growth of lutetium(III) bis-phthalocyanine on Ag(111) surface
    Toader M., Knupfer M., Zahn D.R.T., Hietschold M.
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 133 - 14, pp. 5538-5544 (2011)
    doi: 10.1021/ja200168a (Journal Article)
  14. Interaction of tungsten with CeO2(111) layers as a function of temperature: a photoelectron
    Skála T., Tsud N., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 23 - 21, 215001 (2011)
    doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/23/21/215001 (Journal Article)
  15. Interplay between layer-resolved chemical composition and electronic structure in a Sn/Pt(110) surface alloy
    Agnoli S., Barcaro G., Barolo A., Fortunelli A., Sambi M., Sedona F., Di Marino M., Skála T., Granozzi G.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 115 - 29, pp. 14264-14269 (2011)
    doi: 10.1021/jp2034278 (Journal Article)
  16. Low temperature CO oxidation on bimetallic structures
    Hanys P.
  17. Mechanism of sulfur poisoning and storage: Adsorption and reaction of SO2 with stoichiometric and reduced ceria films on Cu(111)
    Happel M., Lykhach Y., Tsud N., Skála T., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 115 - 40, pp. 19872-19882 (2011)
    doi: 10.1021/jp207014z (Journal Article)
  18. Nanostructuration de surface de GaAs: Oxydation et nitruration
    Monier G.
  19. Reduction of thin-film ceria on Pt(111) by supported Pd nanoparticles probed with resonant photoemission
    Matharu J., Cabailh G., Lindsay R., Pang C.L., Grinter D., Skála T., Thornton G.
    Surface Science, Vol. 605 - 11-12, pp. 1062-1066 (2011)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2011.03.005 (Journal Article)
  20. Sn/Pt(110) bimetallic surfaces: formation and oxygen adsorption
    Tsud N., Skála T., Veltruská K., Skoda M., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 23 - 21, 215002 (2011)
    doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/23/21/215002 (Journal Article)
  21. Structure and reactivity of nanostructured model catalysts: a photoemission and scanning tunneling microscopy study
    Staudt T.
  22. Support nanostructure boosts oxygen transfer to catalytically active platinum nanoparticles
    Vayssilov G.N., Lykhach Y., Migani A., Staudt T., Petrova G.P., Tsud N., Skála T., Bruix A., Illas F., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Neyman K.M., Libuda J.
    Nature Materials, Vol. 10 - 4, pp. 310-315 (2011)
    doi: 10.1038/NMAT2976 (Journal Article)
  23. Surface electronic and structural properties of nanostructured titanium oxide grown by pulsed laser deposition
    Fusi M., Maccallini E., Caruso T., Casari C.S., Li Bassi A., Bottani C.E., Rudolf P., Prince K.C., Agostino R.G.
    Surface Science, Vol. 605 - 3-4, pp. 333-340 (2011)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2010.10.039 (Journal Article)


  1. A photoelectron spectroscopy study of ultra-thin epitaxial alumina layers grown on Cu(111) surface
    Nemsak S., Skála T., Yoshitake M., Tsud N., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Surface Science, Vol. 604 - 23-24, pp. 2073-2077 (2010)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2010.08.021 (Journal Article)
  2. Adsorption of histidine and histidine-containing peptides on Au(111)
    Feyer V., Plekan O., Tsud N., Chab V., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Langmuir, Vol. 26 - 11, pp. 8606-8613 (2010)
    doi: 10.1021/la904684e (Journal Article)
  3. Adsorption structure of glycyl-glycine on Cu(110)
    Feyer V., Plekan O., Tsud N., Lyamayev V., Chab V., Matolín V., Prince K.C., Carravetta V.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 114 - 24, pp. 10922-10931 (2010)
    doi: 10.1021/jp102922g (Journal Article)
  4. Cation site environment in ultrathin TiOx films grown on Pt(111) probed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ti 2p edge
    Finetti P., Sedona F., Rizzi G.A., Mick U., Schierbaum K., Granozzi G.
    Surface Science, Vol. 604 - 3-4, pp. 366-371 (2010)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2009.11.032 (Journal Article)
  5. Ceria reoxidation by CO2: A model study
    Staudt T., Lykhach Y., Tsud N., Skála T., Prince K.C., Matolín V., Libuda J.
    Journal of Catalysis, Vol. 275 - 1, pp. 181-185 (2010)
    doi: 10.1016/j.jcat.2010.07.032 (Journal Article)
  6. Excitons at the B K edge of boron nitride nanotubes probed by x-ray absorption spectroscopy
    Pacilé D., Papagno M., Skála T., Matolín V., Sainsbury T., Ikuno T., Okawa D., Zettl A., Prince K.C.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 22 - 29, 295301 (2010)
    doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/22/29/295301 (Journal Article)
  7. Growth of thin epitaxial alumina films onto Ni(111): an electron spectroscopy and diffraction study
    Nemsak S., Skala T., Yoshitake M., Tsud N., Kim T., Yagyu S., Matolin V.
    Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 42 - 10-11, pp. 1581-1584 (2010)
    doi: 10.1002/sia.3582 (Journal Article)
  8. Interaction of oxygen with Au/Ti(0001) surface alloys studied by photoelectron spectroscopy
    Tsud N., Sutara F., Matolínová I., Veltruská K., Dudr V., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 22 - 26, 265002 (2010)
    doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/22/26/265002 (Journal Article)
  9. Methanol Adsorption and Decomposition on Pt/CeO2(111)/Cu(111) Thin Film Model Catalyst
    Matolín V., JohÁnek V., Skoda M., Tsud N., Prince K.C., SkÁla T., MatolínovÁ I.
    Langmuir, Vol. 26 - 16, pp. 13333-13341 (2010)
    doi: 10.1021/la101936b (Journal Article)
  10. Modification of terminating species and band alignment at the interface between alumina films and metal single crystals
    Yoshitake M., Nemsak S., Skála T., Tsud N., Kim T., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Surface Science, Vol. 604 - 23-24, pp. 2150-2156 (2010)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2010.09.007 (Journal Article)
  11. Non-destructive depth profiling of the activated Ti-Zr-V getter by means of excitation energy resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
    Pavluch J., Zommer L., Masek K., Skála T., Sutara F., Nehasil V., Píš I., Polyak Y.
    Analytical Sciences, Vol. 26 - 2, pp. 209-215 (2010)
    doi: 10.2116/analsci.26.209 (Journal Article)
  12. Photoemission Study of Thymidine Adsorbed on Au(111) and Cu(110)
    Plekan O., Feyer V., Ptasinska S., Tsud N., Chab V., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 114 - 35, pp. 15036-15041 (2010)
    doi: 10.1021/jp105341k (Journal Article)
  13. Photoemission study of Rh/CeO2/Cu(111) system - Oxidation state, stability and interaction with adsorbed gases
    Nehasil V., Evíková K., Zahoranová T., Tsud N., Skála T., Libra J.
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Vol. 181 - 2-3, pp. 229-233 (2010)
    doi: 10.1016/j.elspec.2010.05.007 (Journal Article)
  14. Photoemission study of methanol decomposition on Pt/Ni(111) surface alloy
    Veltruská K., Cabala M., Libra J., Skála T., Tsud N., Matolín V.
    Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 42 - 6-7, pp. 555-558 (2010)
    doi: 10.1002/sia.3492 (Journal Article)
  15. Photoemission study of the tin doped cerium oxide thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering
    Tsud N., Skála T., Masek K., Hanys P., Takahashi M., Suga H., Mori T., Yoshikawa H., Yoshitake M., Kobayashi K., Matolín V.
    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 518 - 8, pp. 2206-2209 (2010)
    doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2009.07.128 (Journal Article)
  16. Pt and Sn doped sputtered CeO2 electrodes for fuel cell applications
    Matolín V., Cabala M., Matolínová I., Skoda M., Vaclavu M., Prince K.C., Skála T., Mori T., Yoshikawa H., Yamashita Y., Ueda S., Kobayashi K.
    Fuel Cells, Vol. 10 - 1, pp. 139-144 (2010)
    doi: 10.1002/fuce.200900036 (Journal Article)
  17. Pt-doped tungsten oxide surface: photoemission and RHEED study
    Masek K., Blumentrit P., Beran J., Skála T., Píš I., Libra J., Matolín V.
    Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 42 - 6-7, pp. 540-544 (2010)
    doi: 10.1002/sia.3362 (Journal Article)
  18. Synchrotron Radiation PhotoElectron Study of CeOx-Pd,Sn,Au Model Catalysts
    Skoda M.
  19. The interface structure and band alignment at alumina/Cu(Al) alloy interfaces - Influence of the crystallinity of alumina films
    Yoshitake M., Song W., Libra J., Masek K., Sutara F., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 256 - 10, pp. 3051-3057 (2010)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.11.072 (Journal Article)
  20. The interfacial properties of MgCl2 thin films grown on Ti(0001)
    Karakalos S., Siokou A., Sutara F., Skala T., Feyer V., Ladas S., Prince K., Matolin V., Chab V.
    Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 133 - 7, 074701 (2010)
    doi: 10.1063/1.3473933 (Journal Article)


  1. A photoemission study of the ceria and Au-doped ceria/Cu(111) interfaces
    Skoda M., Cabala M., Matolínová I., Skála T., Veltruská K., Matolín V.
    Vacuum, Vol. 84 - 1, pp. 8-12 (2009)
    doi: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2009.04.058 (Journal Article)
  2. A resonant photoemission applied to cerium oxide based nanocrystals
    Matolín V., Matolínová I., Sedláček L., Prince K.C., Skála T.
    Nanotechnology, Vol. 20 - 21, 215706 (2009)
    doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/20/21/215706 (Journal Article)
  3. Anode material for hydrogen polymer membrane fuel cell: Pt-CeO2 RF-sputtered thin films
    Vaclavu M., Matolínová I., Myslivecek J., Fiala R., Matolín V.
    Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 156 - 8 (2009)
    doi: 10.1149/1.3147255 (Journal Article)
  4. Au nanoparticles on a templating TiOx/Pt(111) ultrathin polar film: a photoemission and photoelectron diffraction study
    Rizzi G.A., Sedona F., Artiglia L., Agnoli S., Barcaro G., Fortunelli A., Cavaliere E., Gavioli L., Granozzi G.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 11 - 13, pp. 2177-2185 (2009)
    doi: 10.1039/b819791a (Journal Article)
  5. Au+ and Au3+ ions in CeO2 rf-sputtered thin films
    Matolín V., Cabala M., Matolinova I., Skoda M., Libra J., Vaclavu M., Prince K.C., Skála T., Yoshikawa H., Yamashita Y., Ueda S., Kobayashi K.
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 42 - 11, 115301 (2009)
    doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/42/11/115301 (Journal Article)
  6. Bonding at the organic/metal interface: Adenine to Cu(110)
    Feyer V., Plekan O., Prince K.C., Sutara F., Skála T., Chab V., Matolín V., Stenuit G., Umari P.
    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 79 - 15, 155432 (2009)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.155432 (Journal Article)
  7. Cerium oxide stoichiometry alteration via Sn deposition: Influence of temperature
    Skála T., Sutara F., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Vol. 169 - 1, pp. 20-25 (2009)
    doi: 10.1016/j.elspec.2008.10.003 (Journal Article)
  8. Core level photoemission and STM characterization of Ta/Si(111)-7x7 interfaces
    Shukrynau P., Dudr V., Švec M., Vondracek M., Mutombo P., Skála T., Sutara F., Matolín V., Prince K.C., Chab V.
    Surface Science, Vol. 603 - 3, pp. 469-476 (2009)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2008.12.003 (Journal Article)
  9. Interaction of Au with CeO2(111): A photoemission study
    Skoda M., Cabala M., Matolínová I., Prince K.C., Skála T., Sutara F., Veltruská K., Matolín V.
    Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 130 - 3, 034703 (2009)
    doi: 10.1063/1.3046684 (Journal Article)
  10. Intra-atomic charge re-organization at the Pb-Si interface: Bonding mechanism at low coverage
    Švec M., Dudr V., Vondracek M., Jelinek P., Mutombo P., Chab V., Sutara F., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Surface Science, Vol. 603 - 18, pp. 2861-2869 (2009)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2009.07.033 (Journal Article)
  11. Low pressure oxidation of ordered Sn/Pd(110) surface alloys
    Tsud N., Skála T., Šutara F., Veltruská K., Dudr V., Yoshitake M., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 21 - 18, 185011 (2009)
    doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/18/185011 (Journal Article)
  12. Methanol adsorption on a CeO2(111)/Cu(111) thin film model catalyst
    Matolín V., Libra J., Skoda M., Tsud N., Prince K.C., Skála T.
    Surface Science, Vol. 603 - 8, pp. 1087-1092 (2009)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2009.02.010 (Journal Article)
  13. Palladium interaction with CeO2, Sn-Ce-O and Ga-Ce-O layers
    Skála T., Sutara F., Skoda M., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 21 - 5, 055005 (2009)
    doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/5/055005 (Journal Article)
  14. Photoabsorption and photoemission of magnesium diboride at the Mg K edge
    Prince K.C., Feyer V., Tadich A., Thomsen L., Cowie B.C.C.
    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 21 - 40, 405701 (2009)
    doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/40/405701 (Journal Article)
  15. Structure and Electronic Properties of Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces at Low Coverage
    Svec M.
  16. Structure of reduced ultrathin TiOx polar films on Pt(111)
    Barcaro G., Agnoli S., Sedona F., Rizzi G.A., Fortunelli A., Granozzi G.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 113 - 14, pp. 5721-5729 (2009)
    doi: 10.1021/jp811020s (Journal Article)


  1. Élaboration d’hétérostructures d’InN/InP et de semi-conducteurs III-V poreux: Caractérisations physico-chimique, optique et électrique
    Ben Khalifa S.
  2. A photoemission study of carbon monoxide interaction with the Ga-Pd(110) system
    Skála T., Baca D., Libra J., Tsud N., Nehasil V., Nemsak S., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 517 - 2, pp. 773-778 (2008)
    doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2008.08.003 (Journal Article)
  3. A photoemission study of the interaction of Ga with CeO2(111) thin films
    Skála T., Sutara F., Cabala M., Skoda M., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 254 - 21, pp. 6860-6864 (2008)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.04.102 (Journal Article)
  4. A resonant photoelectron spectroscopy study of Sn(Ox) doped CeO2 catalysts
    Matolín V., Cabala M., Chab V., Matolínová I., Prince K.C., Skoda M., Sutara F., Skála T., Veltruská K.
    Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 40 - 3-4, pp. 225-230 (2008)
    doi: 10.1002/sia.2625 (Journal Article)
  5. Adsorption and stability of streptavidin on cluster-assembled nanostructured TiOx films
    Giorgetti L., Bongiorno G.A., Podesta A., Berlanda G., Scopelliti P.E., Carbone R., Milani P.
    Langmuir, Vol. 24 - 20, pp. 11637-11644 (2008)
    doi: 10.1021/la801910p (Journal Article)
  6. Atomic hydrogen induced gallium nanocluster formation on the Si(100) surface
    Mach J., Čechal J., Kolibal M., Potocek M., Sikola T.
    Surface Science, Vol. 602 - 10, pp. 1898-1902 (2008)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2008.03.038 (Journal Article)
  7. Effect of ambient air pressure on the oxidation kinetics of Fe-6at.% Si alloy
    Lashin A., Schneeweiss O., Houbaert Y.
    Corrosion Science, Vol. 50 - 9, pp. 2580-2587 (2008)
    doi: 10.1016/j.corsci.2008.06.036 (Journal Article)
  8. Effect of illumination on magnetization and microwave absorption of La1-xCaxMnO3 (x<0.2) films
    Huhtinen H., Laiho R., Vlasenko L.S., Vlasenko M.P., Zakhvalinskii V., Leiro J., Mattila S., Sutara F., Vondracek M.
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 320 - 11, pp. 1747-1752 (2008)
    doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.01.038 (Journal Article)
  9. Electronic structure of cluster assembled nanostructured TiO2 by resonant photoemission at the Ti L2,3 edge
    Caruso T., Lenardi C., Agostino R.G., Amati M., Bongiorno G., Mazza T., Policicchio A., Formoso V., Maccallini E., Colavita E., Chiarello G., Finetti P., Sutara F., Skala T., Piseri P., Prince K.C., Milani P.
    Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 128 - 9, p. 094704 (2008)
    doi: 10.1063/1.2832321 (Journal Article)
  10. Epitaxial growth of continuous CeO2(111) ultra-thin films on Cu(111)
    Sutara F., Cabala M., Sedlacek L., Skála T., Skoda M., Matolín V., Prince K.C., Chab V.
    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 516 - 18, pp. 6120-6124 (2008)
    doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2007.11.013 (Journal Article)
  11. Interface termination and band alignment of epitaxially grown alumina films on Cu-Al alloy
    Yoshitake M., Song W., Libra J., Masek K., Sutara F., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 103 - 3, 033707 (2008)
    doi: 10.1063/1.2837116 (Journal Article)
  12. Photoemission from Al(100) and (111): Experiment and ab initio theory
    Krasovskii E.E., Schattke W., Jiricek P., Vondracek M., Krasovska O.V., Antonov V.N., Shpak A.P., Bartos I.
    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 78 - 16, 165406 (2008)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.165406 (Journal Article)
  13. Photoemission from Al(100): experiment and one-step theory
    Krasovskii E.E., Schattke W., Jiricek P., Vondracek M., Krasovska O.V., Bartos I.
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 100 - Part 7, 072035 (2008)
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/100/7/072035 (Journal Article)
  14. Photoemission spectroscopy and electron diffraction study of Pd/tungsten oxide/W(110) epitaxial system
    Masek K., Nemsak S., Mravcakova M., Blumentrit P., Skála T., Skoda M., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 100 - Part 1, 012008 (2008)
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/100/1/012008 (Journal Article)
  15. Photoemission spectroscopy study of Cu/CeO2 systems: Cu/CeO2 nanosized catalyst and CeO2(111)/Cu(111) inverse model catalyst
    Matolín V., Sedlacek L., Matolínová I., Sutara F., Skála T., Šmíd B., Libra J., Nehasil V., Prince K.C.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 112 - 10, pp. 3751-3758 (2008)
    doi: 10.1021/jp077739g (Journal Article)
  16. Self-assembled carbon nanotubes on gold: Polarization-modulated infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy, high-resolution X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, and eear-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy study
    Kocharova N., Leiro J., Lukkari J., Heinonen M., Skála T., Sutara F., Skoda M., Vondracek M.
    Langmuir, Vol. 24 - 7, pp. 3235-3243 (2008)
    doi: 10.1021/la7030768 (Journal Article)
  17. Sn interaction with the CeO2(111) system: Bimetallic bonding and ceria reduction
    Skoda M., Cabala M., Chab V., Prince K.C., Sedlacek L., Skála T., Sutara F., Matolín V.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 254 - 14, pp. 4375-4379 (2008)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.01.080 (Journal Article)
  18. Study of bimetallic systems Pd-Au and Pd-Sn
    Nemsak S.
  19. Surface alloying in the Sn/Ni(111) system studied by synchrotron radiation photoelectron valence band spectroscopy and ab-initio density of states calculations
    Karakalos S., Ladas S., Janecek P., Sutara F., Nehasil V., Tsud N., Prince K., Matolin V., Chab V., Papanicolaou N., Dianat A., Gross A.
    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 516 - 10, pp. 2962-2965 (2008)
    doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2007.10.101 (Journal Article)
  20. The electronic structure and adsorption geometry of L-histidine on Cu(110)
    Feyer V., Plekan O., Skála T., Chab V., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 112 - 43, pp. 13655-13660 (2008)
    doi: 10.1021/jp805671h (Journal Article)
  21. The growth of Au/Pd on alumina/Cu-Al system
    Nemsak S., Skála T., Libra J., Masek K., Cabala M., Matolín V.
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 100 - Part 1, 012040 (2008)
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/100/1/012040 (Journal Article)
  22. The growth of Au/Pd/alumina/Cu-Al system studied by SRPES
    Nemsak S., Libra J., Skála T., Masek K., Skoda M., Cabala M., Matolín V.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 254 - 14, pp. 4340-4345 (2008)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.01.057 (Journal Article)
  23. The interfacial properties of MgCl2 thin films grown on Si(111)7x7
    Karakalos S., Siokou A., Dracopoulos V., Sutara F., Skala T., Skoda M., Ladas S., Prince K., Matolin V., Chab V.
    Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 128 - 10, 104705 (2008)
    doi: 10.1063/1.2888926 (Journal Article)


  1. A resonant photoemission study of the Ce and Ce-oxide/Pd(111) interfaces
    Skoda M., Libra J., Sutara F., Tsud N., Skála T., Sedlacek L., Chab V., Prince K.C., Matolín V.
    Surface Science, Vol. 601 - 21, pp. 4958-4965 (2007)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2007.08.010 (Journal Article)
  2. A study of Ga layers on Si(100)-(2x1) by SR-PES: Influence of adsorbed water
    Čechal J., Mach J., Voborny S., Kostelnik P., Babor P., Spousta J., Sikola T.
    Surface Science, Vol. 601 - 9, pp. 2047-2053 (2007)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2007.02.038 (Journal Article)
  3. A valence band photoemission study of Pb adsorption on Rh(100) and Rh(110)
    Švec M., Dudr V., Sutara F., Tsud N., Skála T., Chab V., Matolín V., Prince K.C.
    Surface Science, Vol. 601 - 24, pp. 5673-5677 (2007)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2007.06.042 (Journal Article)
  4. Ar+ assisted carbidization of TiO2(110) supported Mo nanoparticles by decomposition of C2H4
    Berko A., Kiss A.M., Švec M., Sutara F., Chab V.
    Vacuum, Vol. 82 - 2 SPEC. ISS., pp. 125-129 (2007)
    doi: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2007.07.025 (Journal Article)
  5. Combined EELS, LEED and SR-XPS study of ultra-thin crystalline layers of indium nitride on InP(100)-Effect of annealing at 450 C
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    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 253 - 9, pp. 4445-4449 (2007)
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Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 08 Maggio 2020 17:47