Nanospectroscopy Beamline Description


  1. Microfocussing VLS grating-based beamline for advanced microscopy;
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  2. High lateral resolution spectroscopic imaging of surfaces: The undulator beamline "Nanospectroscopy" at Elettra;
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    J. Phys. IV 104 (2003) 99 - 102.
  3. Kirkpatrick-Baez elliptical bendable mirrors at the Nanospectroscopy beamline: metrological results and x-rays performance;
    A. Bianco, G. Sostero, and D. Cocco;
    Proc. SPIE 4782, 74 (2002);
  4. New optical setup for the generation of variable spot size on third generation synchrotron beamlines;
    T. Moreno, R. Belkhou, G. Cauchon and M. Idir;
    Proc. SPIE 5921, 59210F (2005);
  5. Photoemission electron microscopy with chemical sensitivity: SPELEEM methods and applications;
    A. Locatelli, L. Aballe, T.O. Menteş, M. Kiskinova, E. Bauer;
    Surf. Interface Anal. 38, 1554-1557 (2006).
  6. Cathode lens spectromicroscopy: methodology and applications;
    T. O. Menteş, G. Zamborlini, A. Sala, A. Locatelli;
    Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 5, 1873–1886 (2014) [Published 27 Oct 2014];
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 10 Agosto 2022 16:49