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Conferences Archive
Pagina 7 di 21
13 / 12, 2019 | Trieste, Italy
A journey through complex materials at the speed of light, from tabletops to a seeded Free Electron Laser
10 - 11 / 12, 2019 | Trieste, Italy
FUture of SEeded free Electron lasers
09 - 10 / 12, 2019 | Trieste, Italy
Challenges and Opportunities of New Generation Accelerator-based sources: DLSR
04 - 05 / 11, 2019 | Trieste, Italy
New science with next generation synchrotron light sources
16 - 27 / 09, 2019 | Muggia, Italy
15th School on Synchrotron Radiation: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications
02 - 06 / 09, 2019 | Silvi Marina (TE), Italy
New Generation in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
21 - 26 / 07, 2019 | Erice, Italy
5th Conference on Frontiers in Water Biophysics
23 - 24 / 05, 2019 | Trieste, Italy
Bioeconomy and Bio-based Industry for the Rural Renaissance of Regions (3BiR3): focus regionale sulla bioeconomia e la bioindustria
11 / 04, 2019 | Area Science Park - Padriciano, Trieste
Mini-workshop on Extracellular Vesicles: from biophysical properties to therapeutic applications
01 - 05 / 04, 2019 | Basovizza, Italy
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 28 Febbraio 2012 08:53