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Conferences Archive
Pagina 10 di 21
19 - 20 / 12, 2016 | Trieste, Italy
Technologically relevant Quantum Materials: growth,
experiments and theory
01 - 02 / 12, 2016 | Trieste, Italy
Smaller and Faster: Infrared and Terahertz Spectral-Imaging at the Nanoscale with Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser Sources
30 / 11 - 01 / 12, 2016 | Trieste, Italy
New Frontiers and Advanced Applications of 4th generation light sources to Atomic, Molecular, Optical, and Cluster Science
10 - 12 / 10, 2016 | Trieste, Italy
Past, present and future of SAXS: 20 years of the AustroSAXS beamline
03 - 07 / 10, 2016 | Trieste, Italy
Software for Optical Simulations Workshop
26 - 30 / 09, 2016 | Trieste, Italy
New Generations Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2016
14 - 16 / 09, 2016 | Trieste, Italy
Advanced Low Emittance Rings Technology Workshop
05 - 07 / 09, 2016 | Trieste, Italy
Science@FELs 2016
04 - 08 / 07, 2016 | Trieste, Italy
School on TANGO Control System
16 / 02, 2016 | Milano, Italy
Workshop "Analisi di fase qualitativa e quantitativa per applicazioni industriali e ambientali"
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 28 Febbraio 2012 08:53