All information on the main scientific and technical activities carried out at the beamline and how to perform them safely can be found in the following documents:
• {docsys PRSI-IOP-15%EN} (document code: PRSI-IOP-15)
• {docsys PRSI-IOP-15%IT} (document code: PRSI-IOP-15)
Scheda di valutazione del rischio Manutentore elettrico
Safety procedure for the safe filling of a Dewar at the liquid nitrogen tank
• Instruction manuals [MANUALS]

We encourage users and internal staff to consult the Prevention and Safety section of Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste website, where a
comprehensive collection of procedures and safety instructions can be found. All are invited to take notice of how to manage an
Last Updated on Monday, 02 December 2024 16:09