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GasPhase Beamline - Research
The Gas Phase Photoemission (GAPH) beamline was born as a joint venture between the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (INFM), the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) and the Sincrotrone Trieste scpA (ST), and at present it is operated by a Research Team (ST+CNR).
It is the only beamline at ELETTRA specifically devoted to research on gaseous systems.
The beam line has been operational since the end of 1997. In the first 10 years, about 140 beamtimes have been awarded by the international panel and successfully completed, out of the almost 230 submitted proposals.About 146 papers have been published in the sdame period in JCR journals, with an average impact factor about 2.9.
Around 40% of the experiments are performed by foreing groups.
Due to the large variety of the experimetal techniques available at GAPH, that can also request for different experimental chambers, first time users are strongly encouraged to take contact with scientists of the staff before submitting a proposal.
The active in-house and users' research program at GAPH covers, among the rest, the following areas of activity
studies of electron correlation in atoms and molecules in double photoionization and inner shell ionization and decay;
high resolution studies of electronic structure and dynamics of atoms and molecules (with core level photoabsorption, photoemission and dispersed fluorescence);
characterization of reactive gases, radicals, transient species (electron and ion coincidence spectroscopies);
studies of complex molecules (biological and other organic molecules, and organometallic complexes)
studies of inorganic and organic clusters
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MOST: The Gas Phase and the Circular Polarization Research groups have recently started the project for the realization of a novel undulator-based beamline for “MOlecular Science and Technology” (namely MOST). The scientific goals combine the interests of the community presently working at GasPhase and at CiPo for studies of isolated species (atoms, molecules, clusters and nanoparticles), liquids and adsorbate systems.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 June 2023 15:21