Nitroxides adsorption on carbon nanotubes
XPS and XAS experiments, combined with DFT calculations, revealed that the reactivity of single-walled CNTs towards NOx depends on their metallicity. Ultrapure metallic CNTs are twice more prone to NO2 physisorption than their semiconducting counterparts, while the latter induce more dissociation on the adsorbed NO2.
G. Ruiz-Soria et al., ACS Nano 8, 1375 (2014).
CNTs are one of the most attractive alternatives for detection of environmentally harmful gaseous species. The assessment of the interaction betweenthe nanotubes' external walls and the molecules, however, remains a challenging issue. As pilot experiment, we investigated the physicochemical effects in the interaction of NOx and the outer wall of SWCNTs sorted according to their metallic character. |
chemisorbed on pristine SWCNTs forming epoxide groups or at defects as carbonyl or ketene groups. The amount of reaction products, however, is smaller than observed for mixed CNTs, the semiconducting structures being the more active ultrapure material. Retrieve article Revealing the Adsorption Mechanisms of Nitroxides on Ultrapure, Metallicity-Sorted Carbon Nanotubes; Georgina Ruiz-Soria, Alejandro Pérez Paz, Markus Sauer, Duncan John Mowbray, Paolo Lacovig, Matteo Dalmiglio, Silvano Lizzit, Kazuhiro Yanagi, Angel Rubio, Andrea Goldoni, Paola Ayala, and Thomas Pichler; ACS Nano 8, 1375-1383 (2014). 10.1021/nn405114z |