Dome-shaped carbon nanoislands on Ir(111)

We studied the first stages of graphene growth on Ir(111) with high-resolution XPS combined with DFT calculations. We demonstrate that the geodesic-like carbon nanoislands which form at low C coverage interact with the substrate only at the periphery.

P. Lacovig et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 166101 (2009).

By combining high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, we show that carbon nanoislands formed during the growth of a long-range ordered graphene layer on Ir(111) assume a peculiar domelike shape and are bound to the substrate only at the periphery.
The understanding of the unusual growth mechanism of these C clusters, which represent an intermediate phase between the strongly coupled carbidic carbon and a quasi-free-standing graphene layer, can provide information for a rational design of graphene-like systems at the nanoscale.

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Growth of Dome-Shaped Carbon Nanoislands on Ir(111): The Intermediate between Carbidic Clusters and Quasi-Free-Standing Graphene;
Paolo Lacovig, Monica Pozzo, Dario Alfè, Paolo Vilmercati, Alessandro Baraldi, and Silvano Lizzit;
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 166101 (2009).
Last Updated on Thursday, 15 November 2012 16:17