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More info
The TIMER instrument is purposedly designed to carry out FEL-based extreme ultraviolet transient grating experiments (EUV TG). Here, two non collinear FEL pulses generate an interference pattern at the sample with a spatial periodicity in the 10-100 nm range. The dynamic response to this nanoscale modulation is monitored via the transient diffraction of a third, time-delayed EUV pulse. This signal encodes information on several fundamental processes: transport phenomena, collective excitations of magnetic and thermoelastic nature, ultrafast electronic and magnetic dynamics.
EUV TG allows probing lattice dynamics in the mesoscopic regime (10's of nm), inaccessible with other instruments. |
Interference of phonon echoes in a nanophononic membrane
Tunable high-efficiency light modulator for soft X-rays
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering at High Wavevectors
Nanoscale Magnetic EUV TG observed with resonant probe
EUV TG can be exploited for other experimental approaches, such as resonant self-diffraction and nanoscale structured illumination microscopy.
We used EUV TG for detecting coherent magnons at sub-100 nm wavelengths.
We used mini-TIMER @DiProI beamline for demonstrating 3D imaging with sub-100 nm resolution and inelastic four-wave mixing.
User Area
Proposal submission
We invite users and collaborators to discuss their proposals with the beamline local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline. This is crucial for a careful assesment of the experiment feasibility and may lead to improvements in the proposed experimental plan. For more information on experiment feasibilty and proposal submission, please vist the user info section.
Some useful information for preparing proposals for TIMER can be found in the section "hints for proposals", however, the best way for preparing a succesful proposal application is to contact us!
The next call for proposals will close on to be announced
Last Updated on Friday, 22 March 2024 18:24