Crystals measurements Station
This station it equiped with XRD glass tube fine focus with a Cu target. It is mainly used for measuring the orientation of crystals to be used in X-ray monochromators.Its main source is a Cu target, but Mo, W and Ag targets are also available.
The setup is as follows:
X-ray source, Si (111) monochromator, slits, Sample Crystal ( mounted on a precision goniometer), slits, detector. The goniometer error is measured by a Lae 500 autocollimator.
Fig 1: Schematic Tube station
The crystal samples are characterized by 1) measuring the crystal cut orientation and 2) measuring their deformation by mapping the rocking curve around the crystal surface.
Fig 2: The acquisition program
Fig 3: Collimator A500 Fig 4: X-Ray Tube & Crystal 111
Fig 5: Sample Crystal & Detector Fig 6: Sample Crystal