Seminars Archive
Radio Frequency activities at PSI
Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
PSI that has developed a production line of high technological content for the SwissFEL C-band accelerating structures and is now interested in extending its know-how to other frequency ranges. PSI is collaborating with CERN and DESY in the development and construction of X-band deflectors with variable polarization where the high precision tuning-free technology is required. Similar technology has been already successfully used to fabricate two high gradient X-band test cavities for the CLIC project. The tuning-free technology is also adopted in the production of an S-band high gradient accelerating structure prototype in collaboration with ELETTRA. Other X-band components, such as a BOC pulse compressor are under design. The RF design activities at PSI includes also two innovative travelling wave gun concepts. This talk will present the design and production of the SwissFEL linac and will give an overview of the new projects /ideas.