Seminars Archive
ALBA Synchrotron and highlights
ALBA, Spain
ALBA synchrotron light source ( is the largest Spanish research infrastructure that started full operation of its first seven beamlines on February 2013. Nowadays, there are eight beamlines in operation and three under construction.
I will divide the talk in three parts: i) a very brief general description of ALBA synchrotron and the Experiments Division that it runs the user program; ii) a brief overview of the eight operating beamlines and the three beamlines under construction; and iii) some recent scientific highlights arising from the usage of the operating beamlines.
Firstly, I will start with a very brief description ALBA synchrotron including our structure to fulfil our mission as user-oriented Large Facility. Then, the structure of the Experiments Division which is optimised for running our external user program: both academic and industrial usage, will be discussed. This structure, with six sections, includes the user office and beamline support.
Secondly, I will introduce our eight operating beamlines. The beamlines within the Chemistry & Material Science Section are: 1) high-resolution and microdiffraction powder diffraction (BL04-MSPD) which has two endstations, one devoted to very high resolution and very fast powder diffraction and another to microdiffraction running a high-pressure program; and 2) X-ray absorption (XAS) and emission (XES) spectroscopies (BL22-CLAESS) which has also two endstations, one for XAS (both transmission and fluorescence) and a second for XES. The beamlines within the Electronic & Magnetic Structure of Matter Section are: 3) photoemission spectroscopy (BL24-CIRCE) which has two endstations, one devoted to near ambient pressure photoemission (NAPP) and another to photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM); and 4) soft X-ray Magnetic Circular/Linear Dichroism Absorption and Scattering (BL29-BOREAS) which has two endstations, one devoted to absorption spectroscopy and another to scattering. The beamlines within the Life Science & Soft Condensed Matter Section are: 5) macromolecular crystallography (BL13-XALOC), 6) soft X-ray full-field cryo-tomography (BL09-MISTRAL); 7) small angle and wide angel X-ray scattering (BL11-NCD) with two endstations for SAXS and WAXS; and 8) infrared microspectroscopy (BL01-MIRAS). The three additional beamlines which are being currently built are: i) angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy BL (BL20-LOREA) that it is expected to become operational in early 2020; ii) the absorption/powder diffraction/metrology BL (BL16-NOTOS) which it will come to operation in mid 2020; and iii) microfocus for macromolecular crystallography BL (BL06-XAIRA) which it is expected to become operational in early 2021.
Thirdly, recent highlights with the science that is being done at beamlines will be presented.