Seminars Archive
Water’s non-equilibrium states: the experimental perspective
Dpt. of Physics and Astronomy and European Lab. for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS), Univ. of Firenze
Water is certainly the most important liquid state of matter, its relevance embraces countless topics. However, understanding the water physics remains a debated and open issue, despite many years of innovative research. In particular, the non-equilibrium condensed states of water show a series of anomalous phenomena which, still today, cannot described by a comprehensive physic model.
The fundamental research on water physics is deeply linked with the comprehension of water behavior in the presence of interactions with other molecular systems, from simple ionic solutions to biological structures.
In the talk, I will recall the most accredited water models and the recent experimental evidences for these non-equilibrium scenarios. I will also will give an overview of our spectroscopic investigations on this topic, based on ultrafast time-resolved experiments.