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How to resubmit a Rejected proposal

To resubmit a rejected proposal, you can follow these steps:

  1. Login to the Virtual Unified Office (VUO) using your credentials.
  2. Select the proposal that you want to resubmit in  'Your proposals' functions group.
  3. click the 'Resubmit' button
  4. Fill in the proposal form, making any necessary updates or revisions.
  5. Please, refer to the link 'Suggestions on how to write better proposals'
  6. Carefully check the Comments of the Review Panel in your rejected proposal
  7. Complete the safety form.
  8. When finished, submit the proposal by selecting the 'Check and definitely submit this proposal' link.
  9. Repeat this procedure for each proposal you intend to resubmit.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 April 2024 15:26