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Shipping samples and equipment to Elettra
Please follow the instructions to send us your parcels
Select your proposal number in the VUO section: Already submitted proposals
Go to the Shipments section
Click on Add shipment
Insert the tracking number
Download the form: Shipping form
Fill it in in each and every part
Print 2 copies
Glue one copy in the internal part of the parcel and the other copy on the external part
The name of the receiver (yourself or the Beamline local contact) must be clearly written on the parcel and on the delivery note.
The address must be in the format indicated below, "c/o Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A."!
If the form is not present or it is incomplete, this will prevent your sample from being delivered!
Shipping from EXTRA EU countries can be subject to expensive custom fees. Please, verify carefully your courier policy
c/o Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
Proposal n./Project/Collaboration
Beamline or Laboratory name
For: Name of the receiver
Strada Statale 14,in AREA Science Park
34149 Basovizza, Trieste
Name and Surname of the Sender
Affiliation address (Street, number)
Postal code
It is important to know...
The costs of transportation (including return), insurance, taxes and customs must be paid in advance by the sender affiliation.
CUSTOMS: if you ship your parcel from outside the Schengen Area and a commercial value is required, this value cannot be zero, as it is not accepted by the customs (i.e you can indicate: 10 euros - value for customs purposes);
In order to avoid delay in receiving materials, we strongly recommend you to ship the material at least one month before experiments.
Pre-alert your local contact at Elettra, e-mailing him/her the tracking number of your parcel.
Samples shall be sent at the users charge Delivery Duty Paid (DDP Incoterms 2020) that is to say: the sender pays for duty costs and taxes, and the Commercial Invoice should state the proposal number
If you need to send frozen samples for a protein crystallography experiment (on-site or remote), please check directly the XRD2 and XRD1 webpage;
You must clearly write on the package the sender's details as well as its affiliation;
Clearly specify the content on the package;
In case of peer-reviewed proposals, please specify the proposal code of the experiment that the sample refers to;
Include all necessary safety instructions.
Last Updated on Thursday, 18 April 2024 16:34