Monthly submission proposals
Beamlines XRD1 and XRD2 offer users an accelerated path for proposal submission related to
· small molecules (SMX) and
· macromolecular crystallography (MX) Experiments.
In comparison with the standard semestral submission at Elettra (proposals evaluated every 6 months), the following features have been implemented:
- no deadline: it is now possible to submit a proposal at any time;
- proposal evaluation occurs at the beginning of every month;
- beamtime allocation start immediatly after evaluation;
- automatic re-submission in cases of overbooking.
XRD1 still accepts the semestral submission for proposals requiring dedicated or particularly complex setups which would alter the standard configuration of the beamline or require extra support from the beamline staff.
XRD2 accepts proposals via the monthly submission route only.
The mechanism is dedicated to scientific communities using well-defined experimental setups. Typically the samples quality is optimum when freshly obtained and rapid access to beam time maximizes the outcome of the experiments. The new proposal submission system reduces significantly the time period between proposal submission and beam time allocation and assumes that the crystalline samples are already available.
It is valid for
- single crystal small molecules samples (natural and synthetic molecules, supramolecular chemistry, MOF, ...) -> XRD1 beamline
- powder samples (polymorphism/phase detection/phase transition, ...) -> XRD1 beamline
- single crystal macromolecular crystallography (protein, DNA, RNA, protein-ligand, protein-protein interaction) -> XRD2 beamline
In case of overbooking the proposals not allocated are automatically re-submitted for the following month, (keeping the assigned rating value) for a maximum of six times.
In case of questions
For enquiries please contact:
Last Updated on Friday, 11 December 2020 15:01