Small beam - Post Vert A mirror


Small beam-->Large beam (SG3 and SG2)

by Federica Bondino

z= -6 turns (RIXS)

post ver A Pitch =-6400 u.u. (-2576.5 encoder, Motor: -2574 steps) -> -8200 u.u. (151.5 encoder, Motor: 155 steps) -> -8150 u.u. (to be on the axis of the R3000 analyzer)

Small beam set up for SG3 and SG2 (from SG1)

Post Vert A Z moved down (2 Turns CW, zero on the scotch scale, (distance=72.3mm) . Initial distance (-2 turns): 73mm

Post Vert A Pitch: -7200 (Encoder -1363.5) -> - 6350 u.u. (encoder -2576.5)


Large beam-->Small beam

▪ Post Vert Z : -6 -> 0 (distance=72.3mm)

▪ Post Vert A Pitch: -7900 -> -6100 -> 6400 (centered on R3000 axis)




SG3: POSTHOR A=-46000, POSTVERA=-6100


POSTHOR A: -34800 (towards T-Rex hutch, left side in the camera image) to -48200 ( towards Elettra ring, right side in the camera image).
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 09 Agosto 2022 16:38