Info for XRD1 Users

Some useful information and links for users of the XRD1 beamline. Here you can find the main differences with the general procedures at Elettra, which can be found following the User Area link in the Quick Links. In case of doubts, please contact .

Transnational EU users


CERIC-ERIC ( , the European Distributed Research Infrastructure offers access to more than 40 different and complementary state of the art techniques, distributed in 7 countries. A detailed description of the facilities available in CERIC can be found here. CERIC allows to combine a wide range of methods for sample preparation and analysis in a flexible and project oriented way, through the submission of multi-technique proposals through a single entry point.
The first deadline for proposals submission, with pre-evaluation and possibility of improvement is on Friday, September 1st at 17:00hs CET. (recommended)
The second deadline for proposals submission for expert users is on Friday, September 29th at 17:00hs CET

International Users Support (IUS)

Please check:

See also:

Supporto Utenti Italiani (SUI)

Please check:

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 18 Aprile 2024 16:19