
BaDElPh and its Users

The possibility to perform high-resolution ARPES studies in the low photon energy regime attracts every year an increasing number of research groups from national and international research centers and universities. From 2006 to the first half of 2024, 428 proposals requesting beamtime at BaDElPh were submitted to the Elettra Proposal Review Panel for evaluation. Of these, 356 proposals listed BaDElPh as the bemline of first choice, and 186 of them were approved and carried out at the beamline, producing results published in international peer reviewed scientific journals.
BaDElPh operates in time sharing with the IUVS beamline, with 50% of time, i.e. around 100 days/year. Of this, 70% of the beamtime is allocated to external users and 30% for in-house research, maintenance, commissioning and tests. The average duration of a beamtime at BaDElPh ranges from 5 to 7 days (15-21 shifts). Users submitting a proposal for the first time are invited to browse our publication list in order to get a better overview of the beamline capabilities and typical experiments.


Research fields

Research takes place in fields related to condensed matter and surface physics, materials and nano science. BaDElPh is a state-of-the-art high-resolution low-energy ARPES system and it is an ideal tool to investigate the electronic structure and many-body effects (electron-phonon, electron-electron, etc.) in solid materials, such as graphene and other low dimensional systems, superconductors and strongly correlated materials, metal / semiconductor surfaces, organics / inorganic films, nanostructures, etc. The availability of low photon energies (hv<15eV), which provides enhanced buk sensitivity to ARPES and allows for the highest momentum and energy resolution, makes our instrument ideal for the characterization of systems with small Brillouin zone (organic films, etc.) and of materials in which the electronic structure may be different between surface and bulk (i.e. strongly correlated materials, buried interfaces, capped samples, etc). Selected examples of low-energy ARPES applications can be found in our highlights section.


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Research @ BaDElPh

The BaDElPh group has a strong interest in selected topics in surface and nano science. Past and current research spans from organic and inorganic films to metal and semiconductor surfaces, from thin film growth to carbon-based nanomaterials, from phase transitions to systems with low dimensionality. Furthermore, the group is carrying out collaborative research with several groups affiliated to well-known universities and research institutions, in Italy and worldwide (see the contacts section), mainly on graphene and other 2D materials, unconventional superconductors, Mott compounds, strongly correlated materials, and on the quantitative determination of the bulk sensitivity of low-energy photoemission spectroscopy.



Last Updated on Wednesday, 08 January 2025 16:16