Info for SuperESCA users

Guidelines for Proposal Submission

When to apply

The Call for Proposals deadline occurs twice a year, on March 15 and September 15. The exact dates are advertised on this website.

Peer Review evaluation

The proposals are reviewed by an independent Panel, the Elettra Proposal Review Panel (PRP), after their feasibility has been assessed by the beamline coordinators. The PRP is composed of experts in various fields of synchrotron radiation research evaluates the scientific merit of the proposals. The main criteria for evaluation are the following: expected impact of the experiments, topicality, probability to produce one or more publications on highly cited scientific journals, potential to help solving important technologically or socially relevant problems, possible development of a new application of synchrotron radiation.


In order to find out the latest news on the financial support options that are available please visit the Elettra User Office web pages. Partial support schemes for Italian users are currently available. A dedicated scheme for non EC members is provided by the ICTP. Unfortunately, EC support is currently UNAVAILABLE.

Submission on VUO

Proposals must be uploaded and submitted on the Elettra Virtual Unified Office (VUO). Before writing a proposal, you and your collaborators must register on the VUO. Every proposal needs to have clear and achievable goals. This means that the proposal must address a well-focused scientific problem or a debated, unanswered issue in the literature. It is not recommended to start studying a new system during the proposal, without carrying out the necessary preparation work. In other words, better not to come here fishing for unexpected intriguing results. The experimental plan must be realistic and well organized, capable to deliver achievable goals.

Long Term Projects

Elettra accepts a limited number of long term projects. These are allocations of beam time over a two-year period. Please, click the box "long term project" in the proposal form. The long term status will be considered only for those proposals for which a bulky piece of equipment (such as an entire experimental station) which takes a long time to assemble and dismount is to be transferred to Elettra for the project. The proposer has to explicitly declare that the instrumentation will be at Elettra for the whole time of the LT project and available to other users. Please note that proposals for long term projects will be judged as such on the basis of the above definition by the review committee, together with their scientific merit. Proposers awarded long term status will not be required to submit new proposals relating to the project every six months; however, an interim report after the first year of the project will be required. Please note that for LT projects experimental reports will be required after EACH allocation period. Failing to provide such reports will result in the termination of the project. Please note: in the "Shifts Required" box please insert the total number of shifts required for all 4 semesters. It is is highly recommended to discuss in great detail with the beamline scientist in charge the feasibility of long term projects well before the submission!

Feedback from the local contacts

In order to be able to get back to you with feedback on the proposal feasibility, we warmly encourage you to upload your proposal on VUO at least one week before the deadline. Interaction with the local contacts is highly recommended. Don't hesitate to discuss with us the experimental plan in great detail.

Experiment feasibility

Read carefully the information on the SuperESCA web pages. Consider that there are some important restrictions on what can be evaporated in the main experimental chamber, as well as to the maximum gas pressure that is allowed during measurements. New instrumental developments or installations need special and careful preparation. They have to be organized in close coordination with the beamline scientists in charge.

Sample suitability

Samples must be conductive for photoemission measurements. The preferred sample mounting is by direct spot-welding on a Ta wire which is then fixed on the manipulator.
If the use of the 5 degrees-of-freedom CTPO manipulator is required, please keep in mind that the maximum sample size is of 10 mm in diameter and of 1 mm thickness.
On the He cryostat larger samples can be arranged. Please specify if there is incompatibility (e.g. alloy formation during annealing) with any material possibly used for sample mounting.
If special sample mountings (e.g. for non-spot-weldable samples or for multiple samples) are required, please contact the beamline staff well in advace in order to plan suitable solutions.

Last Updated on Thursday, 12 September 2019 11:56