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The TeraFERMI Project
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Thanks to the great advancements occurred during the last two decades, THz spectroscopy is now widely employed in several fields of science and technology, ranging from solid-state-physics to biology, medicine, industrial production and homeland security. A new frontier in THz science is now represented by the possibility to produce ultra-short, coherent, poweful pulses suitable to manipulate and control material’s properties.
The key advantage in using THz photons with respect to the more conventional visible and near-infrared photo-excitations, is that THz allows to directly populate low-energy, single-particle and collective excited states, without "heating" the overall electron bath. This allows to focus only on the dynamics of interest, instead of dealing with dissipation phenomena. THz light couples to electronic, magnetic and vibrational degrees of freedom, thus offering the possibility to address an extremely wide range of excitations.
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Last Updated on Friday, 01 October 2021 09:33