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Conferences Archive
Page 11 of 21
10 - 11 / 12, 2015 | ICTP, Trieste, Italy
Multicolor FEL pulses and coherent control on the attosecond time scale opening new science perspectives
09 - 10 / 12, 2015 | Trieste, Italy
New synchrotron radiation and optical techniques for nanoscale microscopy of biological systems: from single molecules to cells
17 - 20 / 11, 2015 | Elettra, Trieste, Italy
Focused workshop on Region of Interest X-ray Computed Tomography
18 - 21 / 10, 2015 | Trieste, Italy
European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics
14 - 25 / 09, 2015 | Grado, Italy
"Synchrotron Radiation: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications" School
08 - 10 / 06, 2015 | Trieste, Italy
Workshop on FEL Photon Diagnostics, Instrumentation, and Beamlines Design
Last Updated on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 08:53