Elettra Call for Proposals
Call for proposalsThe deadline for proposal submission for beamtime allocation is to be announced On-line submission using the Virtual Users Office at the following URL: https://vuo.elettra.trieste.it/. |
Support programsPlease visit the webpage describing all the available programs. |
Submit your experimental report!
According to Sincrotrone Trieste policy, if you have already performed measurements at Elettra you must insert the achievements and the experimental report in the appropriate fields. Failing to do so will prevent you from submitting further proposals!
A publications database is available at: http://vuo.elettra.trieste.it/pls/vuo/publi_mgr.startup Please check number and contents of all publications and submit the missing ones. Please note that the experimental report and previous publications will be considered in the evaluation of your proposal.
Long term proposals
Elettra accepts a limited number of long term proposals. Read more
New: Elettra-CNR proposals
An Elettra-CNR proposal is part of a CNR project, performed in collaboration with Elettra.
Such proposals will be evaluated by the Elettra-CNR Bilateral Committee and then, in case of approval, by the Elettra Peer Review Panel. Proponents will have to tick the box “Elettra-CNR proposal” in the VUO Proposal Submission Form. They will have to insert all the CNR and Elettra participants in the List of Participants and they will have to indicate how many semesters are necessary to complete the research (max 4 semesters are allowed).
Guidelines for proposals evaluation
Access to Elettra beamlines is provided to scientists on the basis of the scientific merit of experimental proposals. More
Important Information about SAXS and Materials Science
All the proposals for the Beamlines SAXS and Materials Science will be handled by CERIC-ERIC and have to be submitted through the channel:
For further information please contact the CERIC-ERIC Users’ Office:
We wish to inform You that the beamline is open and accepting proposals for the upcoming semester. In case of any further information(s) needed do not hesitate to reach for the local contacts and see you soon at SISSI Materials.
ALOISA beamline
Because of shortage of personnel, unless the specific characteristics of the ALOISA experimental station are required, Users are encouraged to consider alternative application to the branchline ANCHOR (to be specified in the proposal, after mandatory contact with Prof. Albano Cossaro), where the same photon energy range and resolution are provided.
APE-HE and APE-LE beamlines
The users who plan to utilise both APE-LE and HE, please follow the submission instructions at the link: http://www.elettra.eu/userarea/ape-he-ape-le-multiexperiment-proposals.html.For more details, please contact: I. Vobornik: , P. Torelli: .
BACH beamline
We always invite the users to discuss their proposals with the beamline staff before the submission, and to read all the guidelines and rules reported on the following pages:
BaDElPh beamline
In the first half of 2025, the photon energy range available at BaDElPh will be from about 20 to 750 eV, and with only horizontal linear polarization.
ESCA Microscopy
For detailed information see: https://www.elettra.eu/lightsources/elettra/elettra-beamlines/esca-microscopy/nap-main-page.html
Gas Phase beamline
IUVS beamline
We regret to inform you that due to the upgrade to a laser-based laboratory the Inelastic Ultraviolet Scattering beamline IUVS will not be able to receive beamtime proposals for this semester. Hopefully the beamline will be open again for users at the end of 2024.
NanoESCA and Nanospectroscopy beamlines
NanoESCA and Nanospectroscopy will only be partially opened to users in the first half of 2025. Starting with the shut-down of March, the beamline will undergo a major upgrade ahead of Elettra 2.0. The special characteristics of the new Elettra 2.0 ring require updating the optics that convey x-rays to the experimental stations, in order to provide the two microscopes with a highly homogeneous and intense photon beam. To reach this goal, it is necessary to replace the first optical element of the beamline, as well as the vacuum chamber that houses it. Since the new optics will have to withstand a higher heat load than the current one, the mirror manipulator, its cooling system and vacuum chamber will have to be completely redesigned. It is also necessary to build and install a new vacuum chamber upstream of the monochromator, where a photon beam diagnostic system and an additional slit, used to limit the thermal load on the monochromator optics at low energies, will be housed. This slit is necessary to cut part of the radiation reflected by the first mirror and is essential to achieve an optimal optical performance of the beamline.
A reduced number of shifts will be available in the next for Spectromicroscopy users because of new experimental end-station commissioning.
Proposals for the macromolecular beamline (MX) XRD2 can only be submitted via the Monthly Call: https://www.elettra.eu/about/monthly-submission-proposals.html