VUV photoemission beamline

Welcome to the VUV

The VUV Photoemission beamline, a joint project of ISM-CNR and Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, offers advanced instrumentation for Italian and International condensed matter community. The VUV is designed primarily for surface and solid state experiments by high resolution photoemission. The research activity at the VUV photoemission beamline covers a wide range of scientific topics on the physics of metal and semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. In particular the following types of experiments can be carried out:

  • band mapping by high energy and angle-resolved photoemission; 

  • high resolution photoemission on core levels and valence band;

  • photoelectron diffraction.

Research highlights

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Synthesis of mesoscale ordered two-dimensional π-conjugated polymers with semiconducting properties

Two-dimensional materials with high charge carrier mobility and tunable band gaps have attracted intense research effort for their potential use in nanoelectronics. Two-dimensional π-conjugated polymers constitute a promising subclass because the band structure can be manipulated by varying the molecular building blocks while preserving key features such as Dirac cones and high charge mobility. 
G. Galeotti et al., Nature Materials 19, 874 (2020)

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Indirect chiral magnetic exchange through Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya-enhanced RKKY interactions in manganese oxide chains on Ir(100)

Localized electron spins can couple magnetically via the Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida interaction even if their wave functions lack direct overlap. Theory predicts that spin–orbit scattering leads to a Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya type enhancement of this indirect exchange interaction, giving rise to chiral exchange terms. 
M. Schmitt et al., Nat. Comm. 10, 2610 (2019)

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Electronic structure of the Ge/Si(1 0 5) hetero-interface: an ARPES and DFT study

  We present a joint experimental and theoretical study of the electronic properties of the rebonded-step reconstructed Ge/Si(1 0 5) surface which is the main strained face found on Ge/Si(0 0 1) quantum dots and is considered a prototypical model system for surface strain relaxation in heteroepitaxial growth. 
P.M. Sheverdyaeva et al., J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 30 (2018)

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Electronic States of Silicene Allotropes on Ag(111)

  Silicene, a honeycomb lattice of silicon, presents a particular case of allotropism on Ag(111). Silicene forms multiple structures with alike in-plane geometry but different out-of-plane atomic buckling and registry to the substrate. Angle-resolved photoemission and first-principles calculations show that these silicene structures, with (4×4), (√13×√13)R13.9°, and (2√3×2√3)R30° lattice periodicity, display similar electronic bands despite the structural differences. 

P. M. Sheverdyaeva et al., ACS Nano 11 (2017) 975.

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Asymmetric band gaps in a Rashba film system

  The joint effect of exchange and Rashba spin-orbit interactions is examined on the surface and quantum well states of Ag2Bi-terminated Ag films grown on ferromagnetic Fe(110). The system displays a particular combination of time-reversal and translational symmetry breaking that strongly influences its electronic structure. Angle-resolved photoemission reveals asymmetric band-gap openings, due to spin-selective hybridization between Rashba-split surface states and exchange-split quantum well states. 
  C. Carbone et al.Phys. Rev. B 93 (2016) 125409

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Silicene on Ag(111): A honeycomb lattice without Dirac bands

The discovery of (4×4) silicene formation on Ag(111) raised the question whether silicene maintains its Dirac fermion character, similar to graphene, on a supporting substrate. Previous photoemission studies indicated that the π band forms Dirac cones near the Fermi energy, while theoretical investigations found it shifted at deeper binding energy.  
S. Mahatha et al.Phys. Rev. B 89 (2014) 201416(R) 

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Spin-Dependent ππ* Gap in Graphene on a Magnetic Substrate

  One of the main challenges in the exploitation of spin injection and transport in graphene is represented by its too-strong electronic interaction with the magnetic contacts. We show by ARPES, spin-ARPES and DFT calculations, that the intercalation of an Eu monolayer between graphene and Ni restores an almost linear dispersion of the π states.

P. M. Sheverdyaeva et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 266401 (2024).

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User Area

Proposal Submission

We invite users and collabrators to discuss thier proposals with the beamline local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline. This is crucial for a careful assesment of the experiment feasibility and may lead to improvements in the proposed experimental plan. Our website provides a wealth of informaiton on experiment feasibilty and proposal submission. For more info, please vist the user info section.

Elettra deadlines

September 16th, 2023

for proposals eligible for the user period starting from January 1st to June 30th, 2024.


Recently done

New manipulator

We introduced a new manipulator with following characteristics:
- Liquid He closed cycle cryostat
- Temperature range 9-450 K
- Linear motion along the X, Y, and Z axes
- Polar rotation with 0.1° accuracy
- Azimuthal rotation (±180°) with 0.01° accuracy.

New high-temperature chamber available

This chamber serves also as fast entry chamber and allows sample preparation in high pressures (up to 10-3 mbar) and at high temperatures (above 2000°C) and their magnetization.

Ongoing developements

We have recently installed a new manipulator and changed the sample holders. Please ask your local contact for more details.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 June 2023 11:29