Beamline Description


Since BACH employs two different undulators for different energy ranges, the user must select properly the undulator to work with. Important Note: the two undulators cannot be used simultaneously!!! When one of them is in use (gap below 100 mm) the other must be at the maximum gap (100 mm) and zero phase and zero tapering. If both gaps are below 100 mm a beam dump will occur and all beamlines will loose the beam!

8.1 (High Energy) From 175 eV-1600 eV First harmonic:175 eV-730 eV 2.0 GeV
    First harmonic:247 eV-1030 eV 2.4 GeV
8.2 (Low Energy) From 35/42 eV to more than 600 eV First harmonic (highest flux):35 eV-440 eV 2.0 GeV
    First harmonic (highest flux):42 eV-620 eV 2.4 GeV

Since BACH employs two different undulators for different energy ranges, the user must select properly the undulator to work with. Important Note: the two undulators cannot be used simultaneously!!! When one of them is in use (gap below 100 mm) the other must be at the maximum gap (100 mm) and zero phase and zero tapering. If both gaps are below 100 mm a beam dump will occur and all beamlines will loose the beam!

Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 28 Febbraio 2024 01:36