Twin anode X-ray source

Sample Transfer and Measurement Positions

  1.  Ensure the X-ray source is off and pulled out to the safe position marked by the top red line on the linear transfer.

X-ray source position for
sample transfer

  1. Transfer the sample.
  2. Move the manipulator to the default position for XPS:

Default XPS position
Theta angle 240°
x 21.5
y 26.0
z 10.0
  1.  Verify sample position in camera view. Orange circle indicates analyzed area (~7 mm).

Analyzed area

  1. Adjust Z-axis (vertical) position.
  2. Adjust horizontal position.
    1. X and Y must be moved almost simultaneosly. Change each single axis by no more than 1 mm.
    2. Per 1 mm of horizontal asjustment, move Y by 0.87 mm (sin(60°)) and X by -0.5 mm (-cos(60°)).
X,Y positions
Δd (mm) X (mm) Y (mm)   Δd (mm) X Y
0 21.5 26 Default position 0 21.5 26
-1 21.0 26.9   1 22 25.1
-2 20.5 27.7   2 22.5 24.3
-3 20 28.6   3 23 23.4
-4 19.5 29.5   4 23.5 22.5
-5 19 30.3   5 24 21.7

  1. Lower X-ray gun to the red line on the linear transfer, approximately 12.5 mm from the bottom limit. (the width of wrench 13, which is often somewhere around.)

X-ray gun operation position
  1. Cover windows 14, 15, 16, and 22 with lead shields.

Lead shields

Last Updated on Saturday, 15 February 2025 11:53