
Beamline Flux 

The experimental flux curves for the 2 storage ring operation energies at Elettra (i.e. 2.0 and 2.4 GeV) normalized to the beam current (300 and 160 mA respectively, typical top-up conditions) are shown below. The output flux was characterized immediately downstream of the refocusing mirror, at 14.3 m from the source, by using 2 ionization chambers behind a 0.3mm thick Beryllium window. The output curves are following closely the expected spectral dependence.

Light Source

Type: Bending Magnet Ring energy: 2.0 GeV Ring Energy: 2.4 GeV
Critical Energy 3210 eV 5590 eV
Source Size (nominally)  sx = 0.33 mm
sy = 0.066 mm
sx = 0.46 mm
sy = 0.07 mm

For more information, please refer to Elettra parameters.

Further details on the optical concept for the X-Ray Fluorescence beam transport system are reported in:

  • Optimisation of a compact optical system for the beamtransport at the x-ray fluorescence beamline at Elettra for experiments with small spots;
    W. Jark, D. Eichert. L. Luehl, A. Gambitta;
    Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9207 Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components IX, pp: 92070G (2014);
    doi: 10.1117/12.2063009;
Last Updated on Monday, 17 June 2024 13:39