NanoESCA publications


  1. Effect of Residual Carbon on Spin-Polarized Coupling at a Graphene/Ferromagnet Interface
    Jugovac M., Cojocariu I., Genuzio F., Bigi C., Mondal D., Vobornik I., Fujii J., Moras P., Feyer V., Locatelli A., Menteş T.O.
    Advanced Electronic Materials, Vol. 9 - 5, p. 2300031 (2023)
    doi: 10.1002/aelm.202300031 (Journal Article)
  2. Electronic Band Structure Changes across the Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition of Exfoliated MnPS3 Flakes Probed by μ-ARPES
    Strasdas J., Pestka B., Rybak M., Budniak A.K., Leuth N., Boban H., Feyer V., Cojocariu I., Baranowski D., Avila J., Dudin P., Bostwick A., Jozwiak C., Rotenberg E., Autieri C., Amouyal Y., Plucinski L., Lifshitz E., Birowska M., Morgenstern M.
    Nano Letters, Vol. 23 - 22, pp. 10342-10349 (2023)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c02906 (Journal Article)
  3. Enhancing Electron Correlation at a 3d Ferromagnetic Surface
    Janas D.M., Droghetti A., Ponzoni S., Cojocariu I., Jugovac M., Feyer V., Radonjić M.M., Rungger I., Chioncel L., Zamborlini G., Cinchetti M.
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 35 - 3, 2205698 (2023)
    doi: 10.1002/adma.202205698 (Journal Article)
  4. Exploring the mysteries of topology in quantum materials by spin-resolved spectroscopies
    Tusche C., Hagiwara K., Tan X.L., Chen Y.-J., Schneider C.M.
    Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 41 - 4, 042201 (2023)
    doi: 10.1116/6.0002707 (Journal Article)
  5. Extended π-conjugation: a key to magnetic anisotropy preservation in highly reactive porphyrins
    Cojocariu I., Carlotto S., Baranowski D., Jugovac M., Dreiser J., Schio L., Floreano L., Casarin M., Feyer V., Schneider C.M.
    Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 11 - 44, pp. 15521-15530 (2023)
    doi: 10.1039/d3tc02726k (Journal Article)
  6. Inducing Single Spin-Polarized Flat Bands in Monolayer Graphene
    Jugovac M., Cojocariu I., Sánchez-Barriga J., Gargiani P., Valvidares M., Feyer V., Blügel S., Bihlmayer G., Perna P.
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 35 - 38, 2301441 (2023)
    doi: 10.1002/adma.202301441 (Journal Article)
  7. Metalloporphyrins on oxygen-passivated iron: Conformation and order beyond the first layer
    Janas David Maximilian, Windischbacher Andreas, Arndt Mira Sophie, Gutnikov Michael, Sternemann Lasse, Gutnikov David, Willershausen Till, Nitschke Jonah Elias, Schiller Karl, Baranowski Daniel, Feyer Vitaliy, Cojocariu Iulia, Dave Khush, Puschnig Peter, Stupar Matija, Ponzoni Stefano, Cinchetti Mirko, Zamborlini Giovanni
    Inorganica Chimica Acta, Vol. 557, p. 121705 (2023)
    doi: 10.1016/j.ica.2023.121705 (Journal Article)
  8. Photoemission study of twisted monolayers and bilayers of WSe2 on graphite substrates
    Parashar Bharti, Rathmann Lars, Kim Hyun-Jung, Cojocariu Iulia, Bostwick Aaron, Jozwiak Chris, Rotenberg Eli, Avila José, Dudin Pavel, Feyer Vitaliy, Stampfer Christoph, Beschoten Bernd, Bihlmayer Gustav, Schneider Claus M., Plucinski Lukasz
    Physical Review Materials, Vol. 7 - 4, p. 044004 (2023)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.044004 (Journal Article)
  9. Soft X-ray Fermi surface tomography of palladium and rhodium via momentum microscopy
    Tan Xin Liang, Hagiwara Kenta, Chen Ying-Jiun, Schusser Jakub, Cojocariu Iulia, Baranowski Daniel, Feyer Vitaliy, Minár Ján, Schneider Claus M., Tusche Christian
    Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 253, p. 113820 (2023)
    doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113820 (Journal Article)
  10. Surface-Mediated Spin Locking and Thermal Unlocking in a 2D Molecular Array
    Cojocariu I., Windischbacher A., Baranowski D., Jugovac M., Ferreira R.C.D.C., Doležal J., Švec M., Zamalloa-Serrano J.M., Tormen M., Schio L., Floreano L., Dreiser J., Puschnig P., Feyer V., Schneider C.M.
    Advanced Science, Vol. 10 - 22, 2300223 (2023)
    doi: 10.1002/advs.202300223 (Journal Article)
  11. Twist angle dependent interlayer transfer of valley polarization from excitons to free charge carriers in WSe2/MoSe2 heterobilayers
    Volmer F., Ersfeld M., Faria Junior P.E., Waldecker L., Parashar B., Rathmann L., Dubey S., Cojocariu I., Feyer V., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Schneider C.M., Plucinski L., Stampfer C., Fabian J., Beschoten B.
    npj 2D Materials and Applications, Vol. 7 - 1, 58 (2023)
    doi: 10.1038/s41699-023-00420-1 (Journal Article)
Last Updated on Thursday, 31 May 2012 13:24