Studenti @ XRD2 - 2020
“From Gene to Protein Crystal Structure“ is the school for young PhD, postdoc and researchers taking first steps in the field of Protein Crystallography.
The GeCrySchool was thought to approach crystallography as a technique for structural biology studies, for students with limited or no experience in this field.
The main target of the school is to provide the most important and frequently used biological and crystallographic tools needed to get protein crystal structure by starting from gene information. “From Gene to Protein Crystal Structure” was imagined as a full immersion hands-on school: theoretical information has been condensed in few lessons and at least 4 hours per day had to be dedicated to experiments in the lab for protein expression, data analysis and beamline data collection.
The school has been held at Elettra Synchrotron and online and it was divided in two sessions:
- Session I: “From Gene to Crystal”, 21-24 January 2020 (mainly devoted to chemists and small molecule crystallographers): practicals done at Structural Biology Laboratory, coordinated by Paola Storici.
- Session II: “From Crystal to Structure”, 22-25 September 2020 (mainly devoted to biologists and chemists): practicals done at XRD2 beamline, coordinated by Annie Heroux.
The school was supported by Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia (Sezione Coordinamento Didattico e Gruppo Giovani) and it was organized along with Sezione Macromolecole Biologiche.
Last Updated on Saturday, 26 September 2020 09:26