The main objective of the ODAC is the beam quality, which is the measure of the “goodness” of a light source. This depends upon the reliability of the source (up time), the lifetime, the current and the beam stability (both orbit and collective effects). The machine is constantly monitored with two programs developed by the machine physics group (MacMon i.e. Machine monitoring and Bqc, i.e. beam quality controller) and the beam up time is continuously on display in the server elog accessible from anyone in the laboratory via a web browser. In general in 2013 a higher operational stability and up time / integrated intensity should be achieved.
Especially for 2013 the following objectives should be met:
Injectors: finalization and stabilization
Work will continue in 2015 on the pre-injector (spare gun electronics, SF6 circuit, stability measurements) and on the booster ring (instrumentation and radioprotection). The work on the SF6 circuit should finish in 2015 as well as the booster instrumentation. The project on the booster power converters started in 2011 with the scope to replace all electronics and power parts –second stage modules- and all modules should be reconstructed, finished successfully in 2014 and all booster big power supplies run on the new modules. The spare modulator of the pre-injecotr is constructed and tested and currently in use. The gun electronics should be refurbished and the 20 year old design will be upgraded. Work on temperature stabilization continues with the installation of temperature sensors.
StabilityThe global orbit feedback should continue providing micron stability at the source point. Thermal stability is greatly improved with operations in top-up thus for 2015 the long term orbit stability should be of the order of ±5 micron at most whereas the short term stability will be at 2% of the beam dimensions provided that the ambient temperature will not oscillate by more than ±0.5 degrees from its set point. However since the airconditioning temperature control system does not work, during abrupt environment temperature changes we observe large oscillations of the order of ± 4 C that of course influences with the machine operations and stability. It is of very high importance that the temperature control system gets fixed. |
AlignmentFollowing the total re-alignment of the machine done in 2010, the beam based alignment (BBA) has been automatized during 2012 and can contribute in a fast and automatic way in minimising and making reproducible the electron orbit. Orbit reproducibility in the bending magnet source points are about a factor 3-4 better than before (being before 40 um). A new golden orbit has been defined that produces an absolute vertical global orbit of about 250 microns rms decreasing thus the geometric coupling from 1% down to 0.4% and therefore increasing the photon beam brilliance.New software has been developed to correct the optical asymmetries and thus not allowing the degradation of beam optics. |
Top up operation
All available filling patterns (single and few bunch, multibuch and hybrid) are top-up compatible. New timing-bunch marker boards will be constructed for time resolved experiments in the beam line nanospectroscopy.
The Beam uptime should be more than 96% and this is the first KPI of the projectThe definition of uptime% = 100- downtime%
The beam downtime is defined as the percentage of User Non usable beam time (No or bad beam excluding storms and other external factors) divided with the total user hours (minus 45 minutes for every programmed injection)
Downtime%= 100*(no or bad beam time-storms)/(user time - inj. time)
As always this requirement may be re-examined if big installations or modifications with unknown impact factor are completed and used by the machine for a period up to six month.
The second KPI is related to the top up operations. The system should stay in top-up for at least 88% of its user time.
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Beam current, lifetime, collective beam and orbit stability are defined basically in Elettra web page operating conditions:
http://www.elettra.eu/lightsources/elettra/elettra-main.html (excluding the usual conditioning/testing period for new installations).These quantities are continuously monitored with the above-mentioned programs and displayed on line in the server elog. Elettra can operate at higher currents up to 200 mA at 2.4 GeV (after the installation of the cooling fans on the hottest 24 bpms and the succesfull tests up to 200 mA at the end of 2012 and 360 mA at 2 GeV) and it was planned to increase the intensity of the 2.4 GeV operations from 150 to 175 mA however some beam lines can not get the thermal load as well as we have observed that some gaskets get damaged. However with intelligent use of the fans that stop when there is no beam current was possible to avoid gasket damage and hence vacuum problems. In 2015 an automatic system will modulate the speed of the fans according to the machine current intensity.
The SCW (super conducting wiggler) has been reinstalled (after getting refurbished at BINP) and tested in June/July 2013 to be used as a source for hard x-ray photons for the XRD II beam line in 2015. A pair of scrapers is already installed after the wiggler to create a preferential beam loss point and to protect thus the SCW from quenching due to any accidental loss of the beam on its vacuum chamber.
8th corrector
In 2012 the first working prototype of the 8th corrector was installed and succesfully tested and in use by SYRMEP. In 2013 two more were installed and used by XAFS and MCX. Three more are planned to be installed in 2014 and the 2 remaining in 2015.
Abient tmperaure stabilization
Ambient temperature stabilization should be maintained and improved. The ambient temperature was oscillating occasionally at a max of about ± 4 degree Celsius seems that it may be fixed during 2015.
Normal user operationIn 2015 Elettra will be operated from the common control room in the FERMI linac building also for machine development. Still the old Elettra control room will remain operative for the start ups, maintemance,special experiments that require proximity with the service areas and when FERMI is in shutdown. |
Beam dump detectorThe “beam dump” detector that enables the fast and accurate diagnosis of a beam dump, successfully tested in 2014, willbecome part of the control system. At the same time the beam emittance measurements device should give itas first results. |
Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 February 2015 13:07