Radio Frequency System
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The main task of the 500 MHz systems of the storage ring is to restore the electron beam losses due to the radiation, keeping stable the electron’s motion.The task of the single 500 MHz system of the booster is to capture the 100 MeV electron’s beam, to ramp its energy up to 2.5 GeV and to ensure enough lifetime for a high efficiency extraction.
Both tasks are fulfilled using the radio frequency (RF) energy: a continuous sinusoidal wave amplified to a level of several kW by means of RF power source. This electromagnetic energy is stored in resonant cavities with high efficiency (Q-factor) achieving an electromagnetic field suitable to accelerate the electron beam.
The electron beam, crossing the cavities, sees the electric line of the stored field, the so-called accelerating voltage. This voltage should have the proper phase, the synchronous one, and the suitable level. When these requirements are met, the electron beam gains energy, according to the Newton-Lorentz force law.
The RF amplitude and phase feedback loops implement the required accelerating voltage parameters, keeping the voltage amplitude stability within ±1% and the phase stability within ± 0.5°. The frequency tuning’s system as well as the temperature control’s loop keep the volume of the cavities at the resonance working point.
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Last Updated on Friday, 13 January 2012 14:06