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MNCL Instrumentation
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The experimental UHV ESCALAB system:
modified VG Escalab II equipped with an X-ray source
electron gun
LEED/Auger Specs
The listed instrumentation allow to perform electron spectroscopy investigations like XPS, UPS, EELS and Auger)


Picture of the UHV STM system available in the Micro-Nano-Carbon Lab.
a load-lock chamber for fast entry of samples and tips;
a preparation chamber with Sputter-Gun, LEED, Manipulator Heating Stage (up to 900 °C), Quartz micro-balance, custom made evaporators for metals and molecules. (Click to read live pressure and temperature...)
an Omicron RT AFM/STM driven by APE-Research Electronics
In the MNC Lab is also available an air STM, APE-Research mini-head (see more details at http://www.aperesearch.com/products.html) equipped with a low current preamplifier.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 17:15