High Power Waveguide Components

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High Gradient Structures

Higher accelerating gradient, lower breakdown rate
higher shunt impedance, higher quality factor

high gradient structures
Spherical Pulse Compressor

Compact Single Cavity, High Efficency Tuneable RF Energy Amplifier
Shpherical pulse compressor

Compact 3-dB Hybrids

Compact, stub free, high power

compact 3db hybrids


Compact, UHV, high power

re combiner

Pumping Ports

Compact, UHV, high power

pumping port
Power Splitter

Compact, stub free, high power

power solitter

Dry Loads

Compact, UHV, high power
dry loads

In-Vacuum Variable Power Divider

Compact, single piston, SF6 free, high power

power divider
In-Vacuum Phase Shifter

Compact, single piston, SF6 free, high power

in vacuum phase shifter


Twists and Bends

Compact, UHV, high power

twists and bends


Download the full catalog of HP waveguide components.

Last Updated on Friday, 05 May 2023 17:20