Proposal submission
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After your experiment
Please clean all workspace you used at the beamline and bring with you or correctly dispose your samples and other things. Remember that you specified this in the Sample Disposal section of the Safety Form. Get a copy of the experimental logbook and your data.
Moreover, all data acquired during your experiment are permanently available in VUO section Virtual Laboratory, link My investigations. After selecting the number of your proposal you can grant access to other VUO users (Add a new investigator) or create DOI (Add doi) for your dataset. The data are accessible through Access online storage link via file managers in different operating systems, Cyberduck utility or through the web browser. The folder structure is \MSB\_year_\rawdata (measured data; read only) and \MSB\_year_\work (where you can store files containing your data processing to make it permanently stored or shared with other investigators). Other related data can be stored in \MSB\combined and \results folders.
Using corresponding links in VUO you are asked to fill in the user's survey, submit the experimental report and ask for reimbursement of travel costs (if applicable). For details see the User Guide or contact CERIC users office.
Last Updated on Thursday, 09 March 2023 10:24