Proposal submission
Proposal submission
For the Materials Science Beamline we accept two types of proposals:
- Single technique: for the users that do not want to combine several different laboratories.
- Multi-technique: for the users that want to combine the measurements at the Materials Science Beamline with experiments in at least one other laboratory (complete list is here).
The usual deadlines for the submission are:
- beginning of March and beginning of September: for the users that want to have their proposal technically pre-evaluated and checked, with the possibility to correct and/or improve it;
- end of March and end of September: definitive deadline for submission.
Apart from the specific suggestions from the Proposal Review Panel, we list the typical problems of the proposals at the Materials Science Beamline pointed out by the reviewers:
- The use of synchrotron radiation is not necessary. Some results can be obtained also using high-resolution photoemission with laboratory X-ray source (monochromatized or not) so you have to explain your motivation for applying for experimental time at synchrotron. The reasons can be e.g. the tunability necessary for resonant photoemission or NEXAFS, cross sections, surface sensitivity...
- Technical requests were not compatible with the available experimental equipment (e.g. photon energy, sample annealing/cooling temperatures, UHV compatibility and electrical conductivity of the samples): please, check the instrument parameters and/or discuss the possibilities with the beamline staff.
- The requested number of shifts was too high/too low. Bear in mind that for the correct evaluation you have to state clearly in the proposal the total number of samples and the experimental procedure for every sample (e.g. sample prepared ex situ/in situ, cleaning procedure, annealing, exposures, evaporation).
- If you plan to bring the samples ready to be analyzed describe the details in the section Samples prepared in home laboratory and brought/sent to Elettra.
- If you instead bring only substrates onto which you want to prepare the samples during your presence here describe them in the section Samples prepared at Elettra.
- Specify the parameters of your measurements in the section Sample analysis.
Before your experiment
If your proposal is approved by the Review Panel, you will be contacted by the beamline staff concerning your preferences about scheduling. Please have ready a sufficiently broad list of available dates and reply quickly to our messages. Synchrotron beam availability is visible in Shifts (blue and pink fields) or MSB calendar (pink fields). The beamline staff will do the best to satisfy you request but we cannot promise it, especially if you propose only few options or reply with long delays. In case of multiple request for the same dates the priority will be given to the proposals with better scientific evaluation.
When your experiment is scheduled contact the beamline staff in order to discuss the necessary details, for example:
- the amount of the necessary technical support during your experiment
- sample size and mounting on the manipulator cartridge
- your scientific equipment needed to be mounted in the experimental chamber
- sample shipping for remote experiments (CERIC Sample Shipping in VUO)
Well before your arrival all participants should not forget to submit the Access Request and discuss with the Travel Office the details about transport and accomodation support.
If you decide to modify your experimental plan with respect to what was written in the proposal, please discuss the changes with the beamline staff and do not forget to update the Safety Forms in VUO.
During your experiment
In presenceElettra can be accessed only through the main entrance using the badge provided by the guards. The secondary door is only for short visits at the bar or canteen.Users can use the rechargeable card for the Area canteen (Mon-Fri 12-14:30)/coffee bar (Mon-Fri 8-18:30) and key for the Elettra snackpoint (24/7) available at the beamline. The nearest printer/copy machine/scanner is ESP3-P1-COPY. |
Remote experimentsPlease provide and discuss with us in advance detailed list of samples, experiemtnal procedures and your other requirements.In order to remotely follow the remote measurements in real time following tools are available:
After your experiment
Please clean all workspace you used at the beamline and bring with you or correctly dispose your samples and other things. Remember that you specified this in the Sample Disposal section of the Safety Form. Get a copy of the experimental logbook and your data.
Moreover, all data acquired during your experiment are permanently available in VUO section Virtual Laboratory, link My investigations. After selecting the number of your proposal you can grant access to other VUO users (Add a new investigator) or create DOI (Add doi) for your dataset. The data are accessible through Access online storage link via file managers in different operating systems, Cyberduck utility or through the web browser. The folder structure is \MSB\_year_\rawdata (measured data; read only) and \MSB\_year_\work (where you can store files containing your data processing to make it permanently stored or shared with other investigators). Other related data can be stored in \MSB\combined and \results folders.
Using corresponding links in VUO you are asked to fill in the user's survey, submit the experimental report and ask for reimbursement of travel costs (if applicable). For details see the User Guide or contact CERIC users office.
Data processing and publication
The beamline staff may help you not only before but also after your experiment, e.g. with the processing and interpretation of the acquired data, experimental report or follow-up proposals. Do not hesitate to stay in contact with us.
Publication co-authorship: The dedicated and experienced beamline scientists working at Elettra invest much of their time in operating, maintaining and improving the instrumentation at the beamlines. As well as this, they support users in performing their experiments, and where appropriate, help with data analysis after the experiment. When a scientist dedicates a significant amount of her or his time to supporting a user experiment, it is only fair that the contribution is recognised, normally by co-authorship of resulting publications. Of course it is not expected that those making a minor contribution are similarly recognised. For instance, those who have a minor role may be thanked in the acknowledgements of a paper. Please discuss with staff the expected level of support and roles of those involved before an experiment.
If you received travel support from CERIC do not forget to acknowledge it in every publication resulting from your experiment. Moreover, information about all publications must be inserted into the Elettra database. A successful publication output of your previous experiment(s) can give you advantage in evaluation of your future proposals.
Last Updated on Thursday, 09 March 2023 10:24