Magnets & Pulsed Magnets
The papers, posters presented at various congresses and internal technical notes, written by the Unit are mainly related with the development of the Elettra injection system and with its subsequent installation and commissioning. They can be summarized as follows.
[1] R. Fabris, A Favari, D. Tommasini : "A high current passive Septum magnet for Elettra"; 3rd EPAC - Berlin, March 1992
[2] D. Tommasini, P. Tosolini: "High current, high voltage pulser for the Elettra Kicker magnets"; 3rd EPAC - Berlin, March 1992
[3] D. Tommasini: "The Elettra fast magnets"; 3rd EPAC - Berlin, March 1992
[4] R. Fabris, F. Daclon, M. Giannini, D. Tommasini, P. Tosolini: "The Septum magnet system of Elettra"; PAC - Washington, May 1993
[5] D. Tommasini: "Injection into the Elettra storage ring"; PAC - Washington, May 1993
[6] R. Fabris, D. Tommasini, P. Tosolini: "Performance of the Elettra injection system"; 4th EPAC - London, June 1994.
Technical notes
[1] D. Tommasini, "Determination and design of Septa magnets for Elettra"; ST/M- TN- 90/16.
[2] R. Fabris, D. Tommasini, P. Tosolini, "Test results of the 8.35 kA, 15 kV, 10 pps pulser prototype for the Elettra Kickers"; ST/M-92/12.
[3] R. Fabris, "Injection Magnets test results"; ST/M-93/2.