Operations and Development of the Accelerators
Information flow
Operations server
End of shift report that is mailed to a big list of recipients (including task leaders) three times per day.
Intercommunication system from Control Room to Service Area, Storage Ring and Experimental Hall.
Machine information screens.
Risk analysis
Some can compromise the quality (RF plants, bad vacuum, 3HC and feedbacks, communications network).
Operating procedures
The procedures for operators include:
Operating the Injector (pre-injector, booster, TLs) and the SR (setting in function the accelerators, providing beam to the users according to the calendar, setting the accelerators in stand by or shut down, emergency procedures, Storms, access control to the service area or to the storage ring / Linac).
Procedures by the Task leaders on their particular tasks.
All documented procedures can be found in the elog server. There is also a hard copy version for the most important tasks. A control and adjourning of the procedures is performed yearly.
- Operators.
Perform the control access procedures Machine functioning (set the right parameters etc.) and in general follow the operating procedures. Coordinate and participate in shutdown works. Perform small troubleshooting and repairs; Act as floor coordinators.
- Task leaders:
Are responsible on their particular task (including hardware and software) for testing, maintaining, providing training and written procedures. In particular a task leader is responsible for the performance of the components of their system even if inside these components there are subcomponents belonging to other systems. (For example, a power supply has inside water-cooling. If the power supply fails due to a non timely maintenance of the water cooling tubes the downtime is charged to the power supply task and not to the water task.)
Performance control
The systems are monitored and controlled continuously and the task leaders are immediately informed (telephone, dedicated email, end of shift report) in case of a failure. At the end of each run the downtime is send via email to the task leaders and discussed at the next Operations meeting. A general statistics with the total up time of the year will be presented as a written report in January 2011. A part of production premium is based on these statistics according to the “Contratto Integrativo Azientale”.
Safety and Radioprotection
Every task leader is responsible for the safety of his/her equipment as far as safe functioning is concerned. Any intervention on machine parts should follow the safety rules established. In particular no interventions should be made on electrical components under tension if the intervening personnel is not especially trained and equipped as stated in the “Manuale della Sicurezza” available in the control room. Since the SR/Booster is considered to be a big electric cabin no personnel may enter with the magnets or RF system powered. Due to risk of asphyxia from He the personnel entering the SR or SA nearby the cryogenic plants should carry the Oxygen detector. In case of equipment tests during shutdowns, special warning signs / area restriction barriers should be used so that the workers are well warned of the activity. Same “restricted area” signs and barriers should be also used in case of removal of the false floor in service area or any other place that a removable floor exists. This action comes under the responsibility of the task leader to whom the equipment belongs. The operators are responsible and should control the access to the SA and SR / Booster Areas making sure that people get registered / get their dosimeters /He leak detector and switch the SR magnets and RF plants off in case of an access to SR/Booster. They should not inject beam to the SR when there are people working in the SA. People entering into areas named “sorvegliate” should already have training in radioprotection issues. Documents and instructions on radioprotection and safety are available in the control room. Operators that shift solo should carry the “salva-vita” when alone in the control room. Feel free to contact the safety or radioprotection task leaders for any clarifications.
The instructions (case of fire, accidents etc.) are exposed in the Control Room. In addition the operators undergo periodically first aids training.