Operations and Development of the Accelerators
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ODAC Operations
participation of the task leaders or their substitutes in order to get informed on the functioning of the machine, discuss any problems etc. with frequency once per week and duration 1 hour (Wednesday 11:00-12:00)ROF
Riunione Operation Facility with the free participation of ODAC Activity Leaders, (OAL) beam line responsibles and physicists with the aim to explain problems and discuss user demands. Frequency once per 2 weeks, duration about 1/2 hour maximum. (Thursday 14:00-14:30)Shutdown
with the participation of task leaders to program the shut down works. Frequency once per run and duration 1 hour. (Usually during ODAC operations meeting of the week before the shutdown)Elettra Accelerator Physics (APH)
once or twice per run with free participation. In this meeting there are short presentations of measurements and analysis of their results as well as discussion of accelerator problems and eneral information about the operability of the machines. The contributions to the meeting become an Elettra Technical Note.- << Prev
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Last Updated on Friday, 30 March 2018 15:49